Example sentences of "[noun pl] be send to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My lord , ’ said the messenger hoarsely , ‘ they are saying the heads are sent to the King of England . ’
2 The most prominent of the dayis were captured and beheaded , their heads being sent to the sultan ( except for one which was carried away by the Danube whilst being washed by a gypsy in preparation for the journey to Istanbul ) .
3 A certified copy of the entries in the court books is sent to the court to which the proceedings are transferred ; so are all other documents , but in enforcement or payment into court cases only if the transfer ee court so requests ( Ord 16 , r 4(3) , ( 4 ) ) .
4 Charged bills are sent to the reception office for entry in the tabular ledger .
5 Appeals were sent to the sultan , and also a Serbian delegation went to Tsar Alexander I in St Petersburg .
6 Three days later 100 paramilitary carabinieri were sent to the island , to join another 100 who were already providing protection for the 5,000 troops ( largely conscripts ) who since July 21 had been stationed there , ostensibly for training exercises .
7 Troops were sent to the area , but claims by Doe that the situation had been brought under control proved premature and a dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed on the region in early January .
8 If the review form referral box is ticked an appointment to attend hospital outpatients is sent to the patient and the database sends a copy of the general practitioner or optometrist review findings to the appropriate hospital clinic doctor who will see the patient in outpatients .
9 The Revenue has said that , provided the final figures are sent to the inspector as soon as they are available , s 97 , TMA 1970 would ensure that the company would not be liable to a s 96 penalty unless fraud or negligence were involved .
10 Yet letters by themselves were inadequate instruments and of limited effect without the advocacy of royal ambassadors : from 1305 to 1334 at least twenty-five royal delegates were sent to the pope .
11 The relevant circumstances are set out in s1(2) of that Act which states : ( 2 ) The circumstances referred to in the preceding subsection [ the extinguishment of any right of the sender to the goods ] are that the goods were sent to the recipient with a view to his acquiring them , that the recipient has no reasonable cause to believe that they were sent with a view to their being acquired for the purposes of a trade or business and has neither agreed to acquire nor agreed to return them , and either ( a ) that during the period of six months beginning with the day on which the recipient received the goods the sender did not take possession of them and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so ; or ( b ) that not less than thirty days before the expiration of the period aforesaid the recipient gave notice to the sender in accordance with the following sub-section , and that during the period of thirty days beginning with the day on which the notice was given the sender did not take possession of the goods and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so .
12 The unfortunate lady 's dresses were sent to the family home in Foster Place , where a maid was tempted to try one on as she unpacked them — with fatal results .
13 Most of his treasure was lost in the Channel on its way to the king in France , but his bonds were sent to the Exchequer , where a special committee , known as the Scaccarium Aaronis , was charged with their collection .
14 The boost comes weeks after support for Dew 's efforts was sent to the Mayor of Darlington , Coun Rita Fishwick , from Darlington , in Beaver County , Pennsylvania .
15 Most gifts are sent to the bride 's mother 's home in advance .
16 In no circumstances should communications be sent to the prisoner .
17 Surprisingly , some cynics might say , 49 people did take up the offer and the details were sent to the club to effect the paperwork .
18 The drawing , along with various sketches of joints and fixings was sent to the church architects whose only alteration was to square up the curved top member to line up with the bottom panels .
19 The bishops were sent to the Tower on the grounds that their petition was seditious libel .
20 Completed forms were sent to The Marketing Centre , Freepost at Bournemouth , with a prize for two offered on a steam locomotive footplate , or a free meal for two on ‘ The Charnwood Forester ’ dining car train .
21 The first defendant decided to supply a copy of it to the hospital and subsequently copies were sent to the Home Secretary and the Department of Health and Social Security .
22 Copies were sent to the Bank of England and the DTI , but no comments were received from either .
23 Similar bombs were sent to the Dounreay nuclear plant in Caithness and to the Scottish Office in Edinburgh .
24 Writs have been served for outstanding advertising fees amounting to £16,000 , and it seems unlikely they will be paid — bailiffs were sent to the firm 's place of trading , but nothing of any value was recovered .
25 In Birmingham on Sept. 2 , shops in the Handsworth area were looted after a power cut , and some 200 riot police were sent to the area .
26 The 20 megawatt power station was completely dismantled with the engine , free turbine , control house , generator and other major components being sent to the Company 's engine shop in Connecticut for overhaul under the direction of TES vice president of Rod Vilasuso .
27 Ten ambulances and fire engines were sent to the scene .
28 Not only did they have to feed the family and all the guests at ‘ the Big House ’ , but regular supplies were sent to the town house as well , then of course there were all the servants to feed .
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