Example sentences of "[noun pl] [am/are] beginning [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Prison administrators are beginning to invoke the concept of ‘ the responsible prisoner ’ .
2 The big record companies are beginning to see the potential of religious rock .
3 Sales promotion used to be the preserve of the junior brand manager but now companies are beginning to understand the importance of trade and consumer promotions .
4 The women 's days are beginning to include the mix of activities , experiences and relationships which make up ordinary life for most people .
5 With the new Home Secretary , David Waddington , displaying a marked lack of enthusiasm for Sir Peter 's other pet project , the creation of a national detection agency , senior officers are beginning to consider the prospect of a Labour Home Office with equanimity .
6 Although at the moment only a handful of agencies have planning departments , planning is a fast-growing area in advertising and not only advertising-management consultants are beginning to recognise the importance of the planner in many aspects of commerce .
7 In addition departments are beginning to see the data they hold as of commercial value , and asking why it should be sent to the PRO for people to view gratis when they can keep it and charge for access .
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