Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] to go [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A couple of blokes tried to go over the wall about a year ago .
2 ‘ I look sideways these days when I see the umpires waiting to go onto the ground and then looking at every blade of grass .
3 And the others do n't care either , only Hoomey , because of his Bones having to go to the knacker 's . ’
4 Doug said : ‘ You see ramblers collecting to go to the dales and into North Yorkshire .
5 As I walked past my contemporary ‘ transgressors ’ , cloaked in the anonymity of the backpack , I felt strangely more at one with the old lags ' displaced condition than with the multi-hued raincoated and umbrella-ed Glaswegian families queuing to go aboard the Waverley paddle steamer for their day ‘ doon the watter ’ to Rothesay .
6 The gloves seemed to go with the stick , as any outfitter will readily confirm .
7 Rangers had to go to the expense of putting £30,000-worth of protective covering over the pitch after a day of persistent rain .
8 It was a relieving remedy , but patients had to go to the North Surrey hospital at Epsom for final clearance .
9 In the case of partnership premises it is desirable to ensure that the four partners chosen to go on the title are specifically declared to hold their interest ( freehold or leasehold ) on trust for the firm .
10 But I believe that the decisions made to go on the trips this autumn have been good ones .
11 But I believe that the decisions made to go on the trips this autumn have been good ones .
12 Despite knowing about birth control , girls fail to go to the doctor or the clinic to get anything .
13 Americans love to go over the top and now they have the perfect excuse .
14 Then we stopped as one of the Santa Claus girls had to go to the loo and anyway we 'd forgotten the leaflets they were supposed to dish out .
15 erm there 's two guys want to go in the Marines in mine anyway and so they 're paying erm , A levels of fifteen hundred quid for one of them .
16 All children have to go through the scribbling stage .
17 Cos she goes , she was going oh and I did n't know the UCCA forms had to go to the master and I thought
18 ‘ Life is good there for anyone who works hard ’ , I was told by students intending to go to the USA .
19 Some nuns and priests chose to go into the FMLN controlled zones where they are not only carrying out religious work but also helping in the educational campaigns .
20 No sooner has a toddler begun to make for the water 's edge than heads turn and adults prepare to go to the rescue .
21 I quite understood , for more and more of our nurses had to go to the fighting zones .
22 There is only limited additional protection for these areas , but all development proposals have to go to the NCC for comment .
23 Ajdabiyans expected to go to the polls in the winter of 1978–9 , and in anticipation their political activists had drawn up two lists of candidates for each of the fifteen popular committees .
24 Many women from AMPES decided to go to the combat zones , or were forced to leave the country .
25 In those days , scarlet fever victims had to go to the Isolation Hospital just outside the town , and remain there for about six weeks , until all the affected skin had peeled off .
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