Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] led [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty encountered by plaintiffs in obtaining injunctions to stop libels has led to a growth in applications for injunctions on the grounds of breach of confidence , ie that the information has been obtained from someone who is under a duty not to reveal it .
2 The size and importance of many company pension funds has led to a demand for inhouse actuarial skills .
3 Attempts to highlight and remove differing forms of sexism , sexual inequalities and discrimination in schools have led to a range of policy statements and strategies from local education authorities and individual schools .
4 The evolution of the role of teachers and the view of the social purpose of schools have led to a multiplicity of demands on teachers which are not necessarily compatible and may be contradictory , if not actually mutually exclusive .
5 ‘ Secondly , taste : excessive production and cultivation methods have led to a reduction in flavour .
6 The sale of land and properties sited in prime development areas has led to a shortage of suitable housing for staff , particularly in the South East of England .
7 Such experiences have led to a lack of confidence in the possibility of resolving problems .
8 Over-confidence in the early days has led to a surfeit of caution ever since .
9 More detailed consideration of these and related ideas has led to a division of the turbulent boundary layer into inner and outer regions .
10 FEARS that the council tax will put an enormous burden on rural estates and workers has led to a call from an Aberdeenshire farmer for a national information gathering scheme .
11 In the early 1980s , the shift towards repair grants was apparent but a shortage of resources has led to a cutback .
12 The fear is that stretched resources have led to a reduction in places specifically for the most troubled children .
13 This implies that short selling difficulties have led to a widening of the no-arbitrage band by permitting greater underpricings .
14 The ultimatum being faced by the sisters has led to a demand for an immediate strike ballot of all 130 lecturers who are members of the Association of University Lecturers .
15 The epidemiological evidence presented in this paper and elsewhere suggests that P cepacia is transmissible between individuals by direct or indirect routes , that some individuals experience a change in clinical condition after acquisition of the infection , and that policies of segregation within CF centres have led to a reduction in incidence of P cepacia colonisation .
16 In the case of the urban riots , it is the nature of the television coverage which is in essence inciting other young people in different parts of the country to civil disobedience , whereas in the case of football violence , the implication is that the perceived lack of moral leadership by the broadcasting corporations has led over a period of years to a general moral climate in this country which fails to provide adequate controls over the behaviour of the nation 's youth .
17 The Assistant Government Agent at Matara agreed that the establishment of village tribunals had led to a decrease in the number of police court cases , but asked ‘ what good end is obtained by merely removing the scene of litigation from one set of courts to another , and doubling the amount of litigation in the process , and how it is supposed that by increasing litigation twofold the peace and harmony of the district is secured , and litigation robbed of all the rancour and bad feelings it engenders in the ordinary courts ? ’
18 The uncertainties and frustration caused by multiple restructuring arising out of a process of frequent and sometimes inconsistent peer review exercises have led to a lack of cohesion in research objectives , low staff morale , and low scientific output ( in terms of papers ) .
19 HIGH inflation rates and product developments have led to a focus on the death benefit provided by older generations of personal pensions .
20 In those study of deviance ; a belief that the family is the only important vehicle of reward and realization for women has led to a distortion of their role in the stratification system ; and an unspoken devaluation of female types of power as trivial and insignificant has led political sociology towards a one-sided examination of formal constraint- and authority-systems .
21 This will be discussed more fully in chapter 8 , but essentially , the reorganization of schools , health and social services has led to a closure of many local service outlets .
22 These factors have led to a situation where in the UK , for example , the division between commercial and investment banking has largely been eroded .
23 FEARS of compensation claims from passive smokers have led to a ban on smoking at work for West Lothian District Council 's 1,700 staff .
24 Sweden : ( where nuclear power provides 46 per cent of the electricity ) : parliament decides to begin phasing out nuclear power in 1995–6 ( but parliament 's restrictions on new hydro-electric power stations and the imposition of a ceiling on carbon dioxide emissions have led to a retreat from the goal of becoming , in 2010 , the first country to terminate nuclear power generation ) .
25 The Tories ' new charges for eye and dental checks have led to a 30pc drop in tests performed , this has resulted in eye and dental diseases being detected later if at all , making them more difficult and expensive to treat .
26 Meanwhile , however , the lack of adequate community care facilities has led to a campaign to save the old mental hospitals .
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