Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [not/n't] see [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , as I 'm always sayin' to me old Dutch , what the eyes do n't see the 'eart do n't grieve about , and a bloke 's got to make a livin' some'ow .
2 Remember that the main judges do n't see the bulk of the entries because the competition organisers weed them out beforehand .
3 In a recent editorial , the Communist daily Trybuna Ludu alluded to this problem , when it warned that ‘ many comrades do n't see the danger which has appeared in recent months ’ .
4 So Rediffusion engineers do not see a future for monomode fibre except for trunk lines .
5 The nationalists do not see the emergence of nationalism in this way .
6 Supporters of the acts did not see the principles of state hygiene as contradicting the moral emphases of the public health movement .
7 Landowners do n't see the public as a problem .
8 ‘ He used to steal Twikka bars from the hypermall and the surveillance cameras did n't see a thing . ’
9 Kellett-Bowman ) asked in her characteristically robust way why the Labour party and the Liberal Democrats do not see the urgency of this matter .
10 Other Churches do not see the need for such a sacramental structure and urge their people to ask God directly for the forgiveness of sins .
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