Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] [art] last century " in BNC.

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1 Much of our knowledge of Beaker burials derives from excavations conducted in the last century , when the principles of good archaeological practice were only just beginning to be formulated .
2 This is the same problem that many businesses faced in the last century when they had to produce balance sheets .
3 Huge buttresses built in the last century to protect St Mary 's Church now stand on the edge of the shore .
4 But a study of the Roman coins accumulated over the last century or so in museums has thrown up consistent differences between northern France and Italy , enabling certain conclusions to be drawn about the currencies of those areas .
5 Is it not a fact that most of the jobs lost have been in industries belonging to the last century and that most of the jobs gained are in industries with a bright future ?
6 Though they are contemptuously referred to as ‘ page turners ’ , they are nevertheless texts and can engage the attention of those reading them , even developing patterns of thought which may affect the real world , as Disraeli 's novels did in the last century .
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