Example sentences of "[adj] responsibility for [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first requirement is to identify staff with specific responsibility for promoting the organisation 's image throughout the community .
2 The LASMO Arts Trust has specific responsibility for arranging the festival and providing financial support to all finalists .
3 Panic assumed the Defence portfolio and gave Minister without Portfolio Ljubisa Rakic responsibility for co-ordinating the government 's international activities .
4 Even when intervention is compatible with official pay restraint policy , it may still be covert since politicians may not wish to take public responsibility for influencing the outcome of a specific case and prefer to see the opprobrium attached to management .
5 Whilst the pure search work may be sub-contracted to other specialist departments , MAS should have principal responsibility for monitoring the progress of the search process ( particularly ensuring that time is not being spent researching targets outside the purchaser 's price range ) and drawing together all the findings .
6 Conservatives will continue to argue that in the private sector , competition must bear the principal responsibility for protecting the individual 's interests .
7 ( 2 ) Conflict with the general practitioner 's role as the patient 's advocate — Fundholding gives general practitioners an explicit and visible responsibility for rationing the health services made available to their own patients .
8 German Finance Minister Theo Waigel , however , emphasized Germany 's preference that Ukraine sign the G-7 October 1991 memorandum of understanding on joint responsibility for servicing the debt [ see p. 38537 ] .
9 The Leicestershire and Rutland Trust for Nature Conservation were given overall responsibility for creating the reserve — and did not shirk the task .
10 Special thanks were due to Chris Markham who had had overall responsibility for organising the day and her band of very efficient and hard-working helpers .
11 The governors and head have overall responsibility for managing the school , but this will be effective only if the considerable pool of talent and experience within the staff is used successfully .
12 He or she is the chief executive with overall responsibility for running the institution .
13 Even where it is positively established that the right person was questioned , who by being present at the time had the nominal responsibility for cleaning the surface in question , the true reason for the fault may lie elsewhere being the result of one or other of the following factors :
14 The cabbie was taken on , did brilliantly , and was made a team leader , eventually taking brief responsibility for running the dealing floor .
15 SCOTVEC 's eight Sector Boards will have the key responsibility for investigating the acceptability of particular groups of units .
16 She was involved in planning the activities with the advisory teacher and took on full responsibility for organising the equipment for each session .
17 J R Hall ( Points of View , 12 February ) is right to suggest that British Rail would be able to make a profit if the Government took full responsibility for funding the provision and maintenance of railway infrastructure as it does roads .
18 The Independent Labour Party was thus forced to accept full responsibility for continuing the dispute .
19 What about your taking responsibility for cleaning the room once a week and looking after your clothes by hanging them up ? ’
20 Day-to-day responsibility for administering the planning system as it relates to minerals rests with the mineral planning authorities ( MPAs ) .
21 He always understood that the papal decree imposed on himself an absolute personal obligation of obedience , but it did not give him a general responsibility for promoting the principle , or for enforcing the obedience of others .
22 Wardens had a general responsibility for keeping the king 's peace within his bailiwick , and in times of rebellion or disturbance he was naturally an important buttress of royal authority .
23 This will operate outside all other apparatus and will have ongoing responsibility for co-ordinating the approach to violence and aggressive behaviour as well as updating policy .
24 Miss Schuett has been hired to travel with Capriati throughout the summer , with a particular responsibility for helping the teenager shed some puppy fat before it becomes a lasting problem .
25 European Community Commissioners are appointed by common accord of the member states , but the main responsibility for ensuring the accountability of the Commission rests with the European Parliament .
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