Example sentences of "[adj] enough [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The two do n't mix and the indigestion makes sure he is still alert enough to touch down at Blackbushe .
2 The baby was strong enough to go back to Riverstown with a monthly nurse after six weeks and he was duly baptized a Protestant in the Church of Ireland in Naas .
3 After High Crag there is a steep , badly eroded descent to Scarth Gap from where it would be easy enough to descend down into Ennerdale .
4 I took a siesta in the shade , and when evening rolled around was feeling fit enough to head back into Bandera for a few more beers at the Silver Dollar .
5 But since he was too weak to travel , it was arranged that he would come and stay with my husband and I until he was fit enough to fly back to Jersey where he and my mother lived .
6 Zora Neale Hurston was lucky enough to grow up in Eatonville , Florida , a black town run by blacks , so that she was spared the experience of racism in her formative years suffered by most black Americans .
7 When he came back shortly last year he was fast enough to get back to Ruel Fox and let Fox fall over for a penalty .
8 Among names that immediately spring to mind are those of Sydney Schanberg , the former New York Times correspondent who was in Phnom Penh at the time of the fall , and whose subsequent search for his Cambodian assistant , Dith Pran , was documented in Roland Joffé 's film The Killing Fields , who arrived in Indo- China at the age of 21 and was there from 1970 to mid-1975 , first with Agence France Presse , then as a stringer for The Sunday Times — when all the other journalists were getting out , Swain was either brave or foolhardy enough to fly back into Phnom Penh in time for its fall ; William Shawcross who , along with many others , covered the Vietnam war for The Sunday Times and who subsequently became obsessed with the fate of Cambodia , an obsession that resulted first in Sideshow , which exposed the role of Nixon and Kissinger , and then in The Quality of Mercy , a study of the work of the Red Cross in Cambodia ; John Pilger , the British-based Australian journalist whose work on Cambodia may have had little concrete effect but has at least helped to ensure that the tragic country will never disappear into oblivion ; Philip Caputo , who went initially to Vietnam in March 1965 as a 23-year-old Marine officer with the first US combat group sent to Indo-China and returned in 1975 as a correspondent to report on what was left of the war .
9 Reports from Kampuchea claim that the country 's 35,000-man army is good enough to stand up to Khmer Rouge incursions .
10 The Dean and his pet labrador are both depicted wearing dog collars ; the bursar , with ears big enough to flap over to Christ Church , is seen tightly clenching two money bags .
11 On the other hand , Brighton was near enough to get back to London the same night , so that was n't really necessary .
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