Example sentences of "[adj] to go back [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When are you due to go back to the hospital ? ’
2 he , he were due to go back in the army and he overstayed
3 But I was afraid to go back to the village .
4 Finding the car park empty , he was too embarrassed to go back to the pub and ask for help .
5 The reason I say it 's , it 's , the system 's too old to go back to the Japs and say get this sorted out , rewrite the software because they 're just gon na say not likely we have n't made it for ten years , or whatever seven or eight years or whatever it is , it 's out of date , they 're not gon na start working on the system that 's that old all they 'll want to do is to sell you a new one
6 If you feel fit to go back to the inn , Mr Hambro , I 'll be glad to drive you and Miss Rossignol round there . ’
7 And … a Fish called Zander : Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the water … here comes Jaws ' little brother .
8 After that I waited at the harbour until it was safe to go back to the beach without seeing the person I was dodging . ’
9 INDIGO GIRLS Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the folk club …
10 JUST when you thought it was safe to go back in the lending library , another Henry Miller novel is unearthed .
11 A single order may not be sufficient for this latter aim , and it is advisable to go back to the shelves some months after the new stock has reached them and decide whether a further order is necessary .
12 So then I was able to go back to the library . ’
13 Over and above that , obviously this is where the advantage to the policy holder comes in because obviously if they get a gearbox problem that 's going to cost , say , a hundred and eighty pounds in six months time , they 're not going to be able to go back to the dealer and say look I want you to put this right for me , because obviously it is outside the statutory guarantee .
14 ‘ You 'll be able to go back on the streets , ’ she said .
15 Will he find time to consider the plight of my constituent , Mrs. Christine Williamson , who , after 25 years at home nursing a severely disabled child is now able to go back into the labour market , but finds herself in a Catch-22 situation ?
16 and that , that 's why their er you know , Shaun , erm , Amelda brought erm Moyra down with the babies , you know she was up there and she could help her down , but Shaun is coming down now wi , this weekend in the car and of course they 'll be able to go back in the car , erm there 's , there 's gon na be a party for erm , of course should warn the girl Of course that 's the awful thing about it is n't it ?
17 Chris is desperate to go back to the Hargate , but erm
18 In order to understand how the Children 's Hearing system works , it is necessary to go back to the beginning and explain how it was established and how it was intended to operate .
19 It would often be necessary to go back to the user and ask for guidance on whether to broaden the search .
20 To understand why Jews should be bothered by Catholics praying at this site it is necessary to go back to the role played by the Catholic Church in fomenting antisemitism , the passivity of the Pope during the war while the exterminations were underway and even the suspicions caused by the reception of Austrian President Kurt Waldheim , with his dubious war record , by the present Pope , John Paul II ( from Poland ) .
21 The animals had been recovering at a wildlife sanctuary , and were ready to go back into the wild .
22 Well some of them came by road and RAF trucks , the fuselages , and then there were all they started at the top of the airfield in the old flying club pavilion , and then they were er stripped down and stuff was taken off them , checked out , for airworthiness to see whether it was ready to go back on the planes , and then they came down to the back of the top hanger which was then they were all down to the skeleton of the aircraft and they started rebuilding them again like , there were engine shops and the place at the bottom hanger where they used to make the Swallow side-cars was the spraying and where they completed the aircraft .
23 Now they 're ready to go back to the wild , to a special purpose built set in Yorkshire which will be protected .
24 I was frightened to go back to the place that had torn me apart . ’
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