Example sentences of "[adj] to see [pron] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 7 It 's terrific to see her without the bars between us. 8 She sits eating the treat food at the opening to the door and looking at me. 9 How does she know to look into my eyes and not at the huge finger next to her .
2 Dr Mackintosh had left for the weekend , but Dr Lange , the literary one , would be free to see him in the morning .
3 I had needed to break our journey north int he capital to see someone in the tourist board 's head office .
4 Breeze had already heard the family mentioned the day before , at the Vicarage , and was interested to see them in the flesh .
5 ‘ I was glad to see her at the pictures with you , ’ Anne said .
6 I could tell Gillian and Stuart were n't thrilled to see me at the airport .
7 Are we likely to see anything on the scale of the Coventry commission again ?
8 Reading the plan it is hard to see it as the centrepiece of what was billed as the world 's first green election , in September 1989 .
9 By now , of course , it was dark and hard to see anything on the water .
10 In this issue it was great to see you on the streets , showing people united in the fight against growing racism .
11 The King was much intrigued to see them in the Dolls ' House and enquired who gave her permission .
12 In these concrete examples , here at last was literacy that enabled the poor to see themselves as the makers of their own history , with the power to change their world .
13 Well it 's good to see them in the bath anyway having a good good old splash about , you know ?
14 Bishops Hall doing it nicely under Brad and it 's good to see him in the saddle today because he was offered the ride on Morley Street but he 'd already said yes and he 's a man of his word and he agreed to ride this horse .
15 It was good to see you at the DoE Green College Sustainability Seminar the other day .
16 But folded within it was a handwritten note ‘ So good to see you at the library , albeit briefly .
17 Everything that happens to you has been chosen by your spirit so there must be a reason , even If you are unable to see it at the time .
18 Luckily this family all weighed in at over 15 grammes … and that means enough fat to see them through the winter .
19 With the binoculars that they carried , they must have been able to see her from the moment that she set out .
20 ‘ You 're too short , Ryan wo n't be able to see you above the fence unless you do . ’
21 Going along the road , er on the A Nineteen , from the north towards er the village er if one assumed that there were to be some development on site D forty , would you be able to see it from the road ?
22 All the crew liked and even obeyed Silver , and he was always pleased to see me in the kitchen , which he kept as clean as a new pin .
23 Er if you do go to microphones three , which is the one at the back , it 's rather difficult to see you with the spotlight in my face .
24 Defoe , who travelled more of the roads of the country than most of his contemporaries , was inclined to see himself in the foothills of a better transport age — the equal of the fabled Roman achievement .
25 Not only is it necessary to perceive an entire picture of yourself , but it is also necessary to see yourself in the context of your natural surroundings .
26 He was very surprised to see her in the gents and asked ‘ What are you doing here ? ’ to which she replied ‘ PASS ’ .
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