Example sentences of "[adj] need [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This did not obviate the clear need to retrench in the face of failing numbers and , during the year , the staff of the Institute was reduced from 117 to 106 .
2 The most perplexing problem facing members of the Labour Party in the early 1930s was how to reconcile their advocacy of peace with the urgent need to deal with the threat of European fascism .
3 It seems we are losing sight of the fundamental need to invest for the future ; as a result companies whose profits are reduced by R&D costs are being penalised because of their commitment to the future .
4 Apart from the metrical need to round off the stanza , there is no contextual requirement for Wilekin to suggest Dame Sirith buy animals with the money .
5 Not only does the trusting Christian need to worry about the placebo effect , he also needs to be aware that he will want to please his therapist , having placed so much faith in him .
6 To advocate the starting of the process on a very young child might appear to be heartless , but the overriding need to generate within the child mind the beginning of a conscience and the instinctive urge to activate it , must be the guiding factor .
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