Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the same range [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seems that those who try to live according to the official theory of schooling are subject to the same range of ritual abuse as the fans of another club .
2 In view of the interviewer 's role in the discourse , it is not clear how far or how reliably such an extended interview really does resemble spontaneous conversation ; but Labov 's schema is likely to be less demanding of the fieldworker , more economical of time and resources , and so not subject to the same range of disadvantages as the participant observation methods of the Belfast community studies .
3 That the preparation of a development plan should be a matter of self-training follows from those steps which the SDPP suggests , for instance , in auditing the curriculum : check whether the planned curriculum meets the statutory requirement ; identify possible gaps or overlap between subject areas ; ensure that where two or more subjects or activities are concerned with the same range of objectives , this is recognized and used positively ; analyse the curriculum for each year group in terms of curriculum objectives within and outside the National Curriculum ; decide in which part of the school curriculum to locate work leading to the National Curriculum and other school curriculum objectives ; assess how much teaching time is available and how best to use it ; compare planned provision with actual provision ; judge whether curriculum issues need to be among priorities of development ( DES 1989e : 7 )
4 It also means that all staff across the group get familiar with the same range of products .
5 For this to have any meaning the different morphs must be familiar with the same range of potential prey .
6 Matching side panels are also available in the same range of styles , and doors come with or without a letterplate .
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