Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] to pay [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Israel felt emboldened to ask America for massive extra economic aid to pay for the damage caused by the state of emergency , the prolonged military alert — and the arrival of hundreds of thousands of new Soviet Jewish immigrants .
2 Last night we carried a report on fox hunting which may have given the impression that Mr Paul Davis held the view that the death of a hound was an acceptable price to pay in the campaign against hunting .
3 There has , however , been a very high price to pay for the opportunity offered by this large ‘ home market ’ .
4 This moral variety may seem a high price to pay for the resolution of the problem of holism .
5 There 's no extra cash to pay for the search ; fire chiefs are just hoping their alarm call is answered .
6 The heavy hand of a resident father would probably not have stopped him being suspended from school three times , once for smoking , once for swearing and once for self-confessed vandalism ( breaking a rival basketball team 's scoreboard because they played dirty , for which he took a part-time job to pay for the damage ) .
7 When there is insufficient money in the estate of the deceased person to pay for the funeral and if the person arranging the funeral is likely to have a problem meeting the cost then sections 4 and 5 of this factsheet should be read before making any arrangements .
8 She has no sense of her own sexuality — which stimulates the clerk — or of the value of her sexuality : though promised to her husband it becomes an easy counter to pay on the threat of being changed into an animal .
9 Japan was reported on Dec. 18 to have pledged US$100 million to a UN trust fund established the previous week to pay for the relief effort .
10 Surely this is a very reasonable price to pay for the knowledge that if anything falls apart ‘ up there ’ it wo n't be you .
11 The service charge may be in dispute or there may be an inadvertent omission to pay on the part of the tenant .
12 It may be thought that this was a remarkably small price to pay for the opening up of our democratic processes to the public .
13 But that 's a small price to pay for the flexibility and ease of use that the Pocket Ethernet provides .
14 Considered objectively , they were an instrument of torture ; but the discomfort they caused was a small price to pay for the knowledge that Kate had persuaded him to buy them .
15 A kind word here and a Christmas turkey there is a small price to pay for the loyalty of one 's employees .
16 The imposition of a slightly lighter sentence in a few cases would seem to be a small price to pay for the conviction of more guilty offenders .
17 This uncertainty seems a small price to pay for the comfort of knowing that at least one of these effects must be a reality .
18 He was n't blocking anything , and at the end of the alley was the street ; he 'd probably pick up a ticket between now and the time of the meeting , but that would be a small price to pay for the convenience of having less than a couple of hundred yards to drag her .
19 We might even feel that any financial loss is a small price to pay for the satisfaction which woodturning brings .
20 £2.95 is a small price to pay for the world 's greatest mag !
21 Wolf Cubs plus one middle-ranking author ( he was always ridiculously modest about his talents ) were a trivial price to pay for the survival of an entire breed of fish .
22 It will take some years to complete that process , but that is a necessary price to pay for the flexibility that the legislation gives us .
23 If the situation is one where the person in question is seeking accommodation , the receptionist may ask the prospective guest to pay for the accommodation , in advance .
24 What this appeal is concerned with , however , is only the landlord 's obligation to repay once the lease has expired without breach of covenant , there being neither any obligation on the original landlord to pay over the amount of the deposit to an assignee of the reversion nor any obligation on the original tenant to assign to an assignee of the term his contractual right to receive back the amount of the deposit when and if the condition for its repayment is fulfilled …
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