Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] himself [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Attlee was careful to position himself with the majority view in Cabinet .
2 He was a memorable mixture of inner repose and outer restlessness , of calculation , even shrewdness , and a princely carelessness , of something certain , never to be shaken , only perhaps tested and eroded as the years went by , and something uncertain , game for everything and willing to push himself to the point of self-destruction .
3 They took to the path with gusto , he finding the line somewhere between the nearside bank and the middle ridge , while the other more or less followed in the wake , content to orchestrate himself around the camera with his umbrella .
4 Nevertheless , it is likely that he was quick to accommodate himself to the victor and to profit from a new source of patronage .
5 A refugee is ‘ a person who , owing to a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race , religion , membership of a particular social group or political opinion , is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or , owing to such fear , unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country ’ , according to the United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees .
6 ‘ That would give him more confidence and he would be able to establish himself in the side . ’
7 During 1860–2 he had found his title and ideas for some of the leading incidents , including the story of a young man feigning death and living with an assumed identity , but was unable to set himself to the writing until the autumn of 1863 , when he determined not to begin publication until he had 5 numbers in hand , since he was now writing so slowly , with care and with difficulty .
8 Lord Hunter had been unable to free himself from the idea of Meehan as a participant any more than Sir Daniel Brabin had been able to free himself from the assumption of Timothy Evans 's guilt ; neither could bring himself to admit , perhaps for the sake of the reputation of their profession , that the miscarriage of justice had been total , that Meehan as much as Evans had played no part whatever in the crime with which he had been charged .
9 Unable to free himself from the tangle of ropes and floats , Miles swam laboriously across to his daughter .
10 One contestant was knocked out of the ring and into the orchestra pit , landing in the mouth of the big bass horn and unable to extricate himself before the count of 10 .
11 Perpetually subdued by the rigours of behaviour , and almost unable to express himself outside the vernaculars of Hunting , Racing , Shooting , Fishing and Cricket , he had never been able to make his case against Nico : " Awful , awful " was the best he could do .
12 Lord Hunter had been unable to free himself from the idea of Meehan as a participant any more than Sir Daniel Brabin had been able to free himself from the assumption of Timothy Evans 's guilt ; neither could bring himself to admit , perhaps for the sake of the reputation of their profession , that the miscarriage of justice had been total , that Meehan as much as Evans had played no part whatever in the crime with which he had been charged .
13 This being impossible , the next thing to be wished for is that , at every instant , seeing reason to believe as much , and not being able to satisfy himself to the contrary , he should conceive himself to be so " ( emphasis in original ) .
14 Although the Court of Appeal expressed no opinion on it , the court was clearly concerned that the employer might possibly be able to protect himself from the use of the employee 's skill and knowledge post employment by means of express provision if the employee were simply to sell that knowledge as a commodity ( ie not use it as a means to gain further employment ) .
15 It had been his only relationship , a habit of natural loyalty founded in his childhood , further cemented by the dependence of the field officer on his Control , and never questioned in its foundations … perhaps because , in accepting the Colonel as his father-figure , he had been able to protect himself from the manner of his real father 's death .
16 It was n't , however , until summer had faded that he could at last feel he was his own man again and was able to address himself to the present .
17 He returned to England on succeeding his father as second Baron Northwick in 1800 , and was able to devote himself to the formation of the collection for which Northwick Park became famous .
18 Or at a pinch he might be able to squeeze himself into the desk drawer and hide .
19 In any event , in due course a suitable solatium in the form of an apology was offered to Harold Wilson — or at lest a solatium which he regarded as suitable since he possesses the invaluable quality of being able to convince himself of the correctness of whatever he does — and the matter ended .
20 When Tate took his leave , Eliot stood at the door of the drawingroom leaning on two canes ; Tate waved goodbye , and although he was not able to raise himself from the canes he smiled and made a movement with one hand .
21 Ali sees in this attempt by Hacihasanzade to induce Kemalpasazade to accept a kadilik an example of a means whereby he was able to maintain himself in the office of kazasker ( first in that of Anadolu and then in that of Rumeli ) for twenty-five years .
22 His deafness debarred him from lectures , and he was unable to avail himself of the help of tutors , but he persevered and he graduated in 1911 , overnight becoming front-page news as the only deaf man ( then ) to achieve the academic distinction of Master of Arts of Cambridge University .
23 But he was able to propel himself along the ground ‘ like a gorilla ’ .
24 Erm what I have in mind to do my Lord , is to open the case now for you to indicate the scope of erm and will you then know , agreed that we would invite you to adjourn that for some time to enable you do some reading of the witness statement and expert 's reports because of course they are long and that would take considerable amount of with your Lordship is able to familiarise himself with the matter which is contained therein .
25 Certainly nothing would be gained if action was taken under s.92(1) ( d ) of the Public Health Act 1936 , as the defendant would be able to avail himself of the defence of best practicable means provided by s.94(5) of the Public Health Act 1936 .
26 Defoe , who travelled more of the roads of the country than most of his contemporaries , was inclined to see himself in the foothills of a better transport age — the equal of the fabled Roman achievement .
27 He had found it difficult to accustom himself to the practice , although with the right kind of company there were undoubted compensations .
28 In nine years as leader , Neil Kinnock had done everything possible to tailor himself to the demands of the electorate .
29 He was inclined to feel giddy , too , and was obliged to support himself against the parapet in order to steady his troubled vision .
30 ‘ David is keen to put himself in the shop window before the end of the season so he can be involved in a new club with their pre-season preparations , ’ said Town 's general manager Alan Smith .
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