Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] themselves [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
2 The English established themselves in a strong defensive position and on the evening of 26 August the French approached .
3 This either indicates the typical ’ lip-service ’ paid to issues of racism , the overriding liberalism , the negation of our abilities to give a contribution , or it show that Black women are not prepared to involve themselves in a reactionary movement which takes no account of our needs .
4 It would not be easy to acknowledge themselves as the poor relation .
5 The landed gentry of Wiltshire and Dorset do , after all , have a knowledge of their counties that goes generations deep , and they are somewhat dismayed to find themselves with an academic bishop who has never been a parish priest and who , they feel , does not understand the nature of rural society .
6 This being the case , the couple have to work hard to establish themselves as a new adult unit .
7 However , those in the manufacturing sector and , more particularly , those in more highly skilled positions , are more likely to place themselves in the latter category .
8 The observers were also especially impressed by the collective concern for those who showed signs of being unable to support themselves at the local level :
9 Even before 5 October 1968 it was clear that the radicals around the DHAC were beginning to lose the initiative and would be unable to consolidate themselves as an alternative leadership for anti-Unionists in the city .
10 The general health of older people might be improved if they were able to rid themselves of the many ageist attitudes that surround the issue , and were able to feel more positive about their health prospects .
11 These witches are the ‘ middle class ’ of respectability , always concerned to distance themselves from the first group and ever keen to present the acceptable face of natural religion .
12 The Jones boys were busy preparing themselves for a whistle-stop tour of Texas , fuelled by the news from their American promoters that they 'd be playing Dallas and Houston the same nights as GENESIS , and that they were out-selling PHIL ‘ Two Houses ’ COLLINS and his Tory mates by three tickets to one .
13 Not surprisingly , PW has welcomed the report , not least because it allows the firm to tell its side of the story without being hindered by the confidentiality rules which have left partners unable to defend themselves in the 16 months since the bank collapsed .
14 Although judicial business was conducted in English and followed procedure alien to pre-British Sri Lanka , people were able to adapt themselves to the new institutions and the courts soon handled a very heavy criminal and civil load .
15 In these circumstances , the tensions apparent within the philosophies of life available in the nineteenth century were able to perpetuate themselves into the twentieth .
16 Nevertheless , a blow has been struck for the land-owning taxpayer , particularly those less well-off individuals who have not been able to defend themselves against the local district valuer 's increasingly aggressive commercial techniques .
17 This is due largely to the fact that doctors were able to organize themselves into a professional group before the state intervened in medicine and became a major employer of medical practitioners .
18 This would require companies to be able to merge across frontiers and be able to organize themselves on a Europe-wide basis without discrimination .
19 In so far as they do , they are troubled : they try to find a way for women to be represented in a religion where the Godhead is conceived in male terms , and a way indeed to be able to associate themselves with a male God or Christ .
20 These may consist of able musicians who are unwilling or unable to commit themselves on a regular basis .
21 They are free spirits , to independent to tie themselves to a single magazine . ’
22 Once Ann had been helped to understand that she felt insecure in her relationship with Charles as a result of earlier experiences , she and Charles were then able to commit themselves to a contractual approach to problem-solving .
23 This does not mean that all pensioners live in poverty , but the effect of age discrimination is to depress the whole of this group 's income and it is only those with access to higher incomes through , for example , substantial occupational pensions , who are able to cushion themselves against the economic consequences .
24 Student demonstrations increased sharply at the end of the decade and although the educated public in general dissociated themselves from the violent means and socialist ends of the revolutionaries , a large section of the press showed scant sympathy for the government .
25 With the sun below the horizon it was only by a perceptible lightening of the sky in that direction that it was possible to place themselves in the great ocean of trees .
26 It is very encouraging to know that so many institutions are keen to establish themselves in the important area of advanced IT training and that a significant contribution to costs came from industry .
27 From Lenin 's use of an ‘ expropriated ’ Rolls-Royce and ‘ socialized ’ imperial palaces and capitalist villas onwards , the People 's representatives had found it necessary to insulate themselves from the daily difficulties of ordinary life .
28 The CDU and SPD had seemed close enough since 1960 on domestic and international issues to work together and the CDU were keen to rebuild themselves after a troubled period since 1961 .
29 It was crowded too with holiday-makers on package tours , all eager to fling themselves on the nearest beach and sweat their way into a tan .
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