Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] living [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Extended families living in the same household remain very common .
2 Nevertheless , species are real things , with real discontinuities between them — at least if we confine ourselves to sexual organisms living in the same place at the same time .
3 Women learn at an early age that most men do not like angry women living in the same house .
4 The sample was drawn from carers providing substantial amounts of help to a disabled adult living in the same household , excluding spouse carers and caring arising from a son or daughter born disabled .
5 A rather similar pattern can be seen in the very different circumstances of the inter-war economic depression , when the Household Means Test meant effectively that young working adults living in the same household as their unemployed parents were expected to support them financially .
6 Zuwaya probably used marriages to create alliances with members of other lineages living in the same place , and to maintain connection with members of the same lineage living in different places , even though they did not feel the same ecological pressures as the members of the Saadi confederation .
7 The inner-city indicators were based largely on territorial assumptions , for example that people might have close relatives living in the same street or the next street , and that people would work in the same places as some of their close neighbours ( L. Milroy 1987 : 141–2 ) .
8 It would have been unthinkable in the Spain of those days to have male and female students living under the same roof .
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