Example sentences of "eligible for re-election " in BNC.

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1 The following executive posts are vacant : Vice President : June Ross , eligible for re-election ; Secretary : J. Leftley , demits office ( John Morrison nominated ) ; Treasurer ; Dugald Mackie , eligible for re-election .
2 The following executive posts are vacant : Vice President : June Ross , eligible for re-election ; Secretary : J. Leftley , demits office ( John Morrison nominated ) ; Treasurer ; Dugald Mackie , eligible for re-election .
3 ( 8 ) The term of office of members of a licensing board shall begin with the day of their election under subsections ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) above and shall end on the day of the next election of members of the licensing board , but any member of a board shall be eligible for re-election .
4 The Field Chair is elected for a two-year period by the staff members of the field committee and is eligible for re-election .
5 The office is held for two years from September and Field Chairs are eligible for re-election .
6 I regret that for geographical and personal reasons I am not eligible for re-election and shall be leaving the committee altogether .
7 R. Hamilton is resigning as treasurer but is eligible for re-election to the committee .
8 As you are aware , in the forthcoming first annual meeting of the Trust , all directors resign but are eligible for re-election .
9 This was expected to provide for a President and National Assembly , to be elected for a five-year term under a multiparty system , with the President eligible for re-election once only .
10 Under the 1980 Constitution as amended in November 1987 the executive President , who holds office for a six-year term and is eligible for re-election , is both head of state and head of government .
11 The president and the vice-president are elected for one year and they are eligible for re-election , although they may not serve for more than three years .
12 Biennially at the Annual General Meeting four members of the Executive Committee shall retire and shall not become eligible for re-election within a period of two years .
13 Annually at the Annual General Meeting three members of the Executive Committee shall retire and shall not become eligible for re-election within a period of one year .
14 Biennially at the Annual General Meeting four members of the Executive Committee shall retire and shall not become eligible for re-election within a period of two years .
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