Example sentences of "[noun sg] manifest itself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Institutionalised racism manifests itself in insensitive service provision in health and social services , with barriers around language , the pattern of family names and vocabulary .
2 Do n't be surprised if your grief manifests itself in unexpected ways .
3 By the summer of 1925 his growing disillusionment manifested itself in ceaseless role-playing , posing , self-interrogation .
4 This influence manifests itself in melodic shapes ( largely pentatonic falling patterns , but , unlike , say , Chicago blues , also lyrical , sustained , long-breathed ) ; vocal timbre ( rich , open-throated , sensuous ) ; and the use of melisma .
5 Egocentrism manifests itself in communicative terms as an inability to take account of another 's point of view ; instead , the world is seen rigidly from the standpoint of the self .
6 The methodological criterion on which our own study must be based is the following ; that the supremacy of a social group manifests itself in two ways , as ‘ domination ’ and as ‘ intellectual and moral leadership ’ .
7 The colonial development manifested itself in three ways : the spread of Minoan artistic and cultural influences , the diffusion of exported Minoan products , and the establishment of Minoan settlements beyond the Cretan shores .
8 Their resentment at Gloucester 's insertion into the area manifested itself in open rivalry with the duke and early in 1470 Edward was obliged to intervene in the quarrel .
9 Their resentment at Gloucester 's insertion into the area manifested itself in open rivalry with the duke and early in 1470 Edward was obliged to intervene in the quarrel .
10 This astonishing diversity manifested itself in great complexity of relationships and in our lacking dominance almost everywhere .
11 This variation in form manifests itself in different ways , depending on the language .
12 A concern with pupil autonomy manifested itself in two ways .
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