Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the 18th century " in BNC.

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1 Again he was much influenced by other composers such as C P E Bach , and he used their themes too — which was common practice in the 18th century .
2 After a conspicuously bland general election campaign , Riot , Risings and Revolution , Ian Gilmour 's study of politics and violence in the 18th century , served as a salient reminder that things were not always thus .
3 Experience the sounds , smells and unexpected scenes of smuggling on the North Yorkshire coast in the 18th Century .
4 A vast inshore field of Scottish genius was struck in the latter part of the 18th century .
5 By the early part of the 18th century , it housed two fulling mills and in 1709 was leased or sold by John Freame to Thomas Yates or Yeates .
6 By 1637 the Church family , from whom the mill takes its name , were in residence and were to remain so until the early part of the 18th century .
7 By the early part of the 18th century , a forge occupied the site , and by 1736 it had an annual output of around 60 tons .
8 In the latter part of the 18th century South Ella was the property of Arthur Eggington Esq JP , who kept one of the finest herds of black Aberdeen Angus cattle in England , prize winners at many English and Scottish agricultural shows .
9 Of the pianos made during the latter part of the 18th century and in the 19th century , those built in the English tradition most clearly demonstrate Cristofori 's design .
10 Planning officer Anthony McGreavey said : ‘ The chapel is one of the few surviving buildings of the first part of the 18th century in the town centre
11 Irish Studies : Contemporary Irish literature ; Application of linguistic science to contemporary Irish ; Old Irish , classical Irish and Irish literature of the 18th century — with particular reference to Ulster writers ; Irish folklore ; Syntactic errors of learners of Irish as a second language .
12 Although the Shurmur family retained ownership , in 1706 it was leased to Edward Yeate , who was later replaced by his son , still engaged in cloth manufacture in the latter half of the 18th century .
13 There are also references to a mill at nearby Lower Swell but this does not survive , having gone during the latter half of the 18th century .
14 I refer to the rapid decline of the use of walnut in English furniture making in the first half of the 18th century .
15 The second half of the 18th century began to see some big changes in the parish and it is from this period , which was one of expansion and moderate prosperity , that the present houses and buildings begin to date .
16 The windmill was sited near the school , but it had disappeared by the second half of the 18th century .
17 The first half of the 18th century had seemed kind enough : improved climatic conditions and better harvests had combined with the disappearance of bubonic plague to help curtail the mortality crises which had beset Northern Europe up until then .
18 Another received view that needs revision is the myth of the neglect of Bach 's music in the second half of the 18th century .
19 Fundamentally an actuary is a problem-solver and this is a thread which runs from the second half of the 18th Century to the present day .
20 The Crown has been an Inn since the 18th century and its widely acclaimed restaurant now occupies the original part of the building .
21 But there have been many more relevant developments in feminist literary and historical studies which are engaged in reconsidering the importance of the 18th century for the emergence of modern western culture , its class system , its gender relations and its racism .
22 The most important period of the 18th century was now at hand however .
23 In mestizo architectural decoration of the 18th century , the archangel brandishing the flaming sword had a prominent place ( particularly fine examples are in the Cathedral of Puno and San Lorenzo , in Potosi ) ; and in the traditional diablada boliviana ( Bolivian devil play ) , a religious drama , the Archangel Michael defeats [ … ] the Devil of the Seven Masks .
24 In the recital series , Demidenko ( inspired by a series given by the great Anton Rubinstein in Russia more than a century ago ) will explore the development of music for piano from the 18th century to the 20th .
25 THE final day 's filming of the new David Hare movie , The Secret Rapture , starring Juliet Stevenson , Geraldine Wilton and Joanne Whalley-Kilmer , has taken place in the 18th century drawing room of one of Britain 's oldest publishing houses , John Murray .
26 Winkelmann , and thus Kauffman , were part of the ‘ invention ’ of the Greeks as the ancestors of western art , an invention which Martin Bernal has shown took place in the 18th century by displacing the existing stories of art — that Greek culture grew out of the Egyptian , African and Semitic cultures of the Mediterranean world — and producing what he calls the ‘ Aryan ’ and highly racist version of that history which denied the impact of Africa and the Semitic ( Phoenicians in particular ) peoples in order to redefine the Greeks as symbols of a specifically white and anti-semitic Europe .
27 The Titford family , as so often , was a mirror of the times ; every major period of dearth in the 18th century is reflected in at least one family burial , and sometimes more .
28 A whole ‘ Part ’ of the tome , amounting to over a quarter of the book , consists of an interesting and detailed disquisition upon such manifestations of brutality in the 18th century as public executions , the operations of the press gangs , and the enforcement of the game laws .
29 There may have been a wheel on this site since the 18th Century when the Macclesfield Company put down a shallow shaft — Bonsor West Shaft — at the north-westerly extremity of the old 17th Century open works .
30 Despite the increase in numbers ‘ there was no very great change in the overall relationship between the consumption of cereals and the total population over the 18th century as a whole ’ ( Deane and Coale 1969 ) .
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