Example sentences of "admitted in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their firms ' donations throughout her period of office , admitted in company accounts , totalled more than £4,380,000 .
2 The trial judge admitted in evidence under section 74 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 the co-defendant 's plea of guilty .
3 Magistrates ' court R v Holyhead Justices , Ex parte Rowlands ; QBD ( Mann LJ , Waterhouse J ) ; 31 Aug 1989 An objection to witness statements tendered by the prosecution being admitted in evidence should be made according to the procedure in s 102 of the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 .
4 The court allowed a deposition to be taken in New Zealand , which might convince the other parties of the genuineness of the claim , but it was only to be admitted in evidence with their consent .
5 In Ryan [ 19921 Crim.L.R. 187 , where the identifying witness was brought to and conducted around the police station where the parade took place by officers involved in the investigation , the Court of Appeal regarded what had occurred as a ‘ substantial breach ’ of the Code , and the subsequent identification of the suspect was admitted in evidence only because there was proof that nothing untoward had in fact been said to the witness by the officers in question .
6 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that , although the definition of ‘ family proceedings ’ in section 8 of the Children Act 1989 did not specifically refer to the provisions in Part III of the Act , the section was to be read with section 92(2) of the Act which made it clear that all applications to the justices under the Act were family proceedings ; that , accordingly , the application to the justices for a secure accommodation order under section 25 in Part III of the Act were family proceedings ; and that , therefore , the statements of evidence and the psychiatrist 's report should have been admitted in evidence in accordance with the provisions of the Children ( Admissibility of Hearsay Evidence ) Order 1991 ( post , pp. 91E–G , H — 92A ) .
7 By section 72(3) no statement or admission made by a person pursuant to that section shall , in proceedings for any related offence , be admissible in evidence against that person or against the spouse of that person but any statement or admission may be admitted in evidence in proceedings for perjury or contempt of court .
8 In fairness to the mother he should have directed that she be given notice of the foster mother 's application ; had he done so he would have learned — as we have learned from the mother 's statement which clearly should be admitted in evidence before us for this purpose at least — that if the matters to which she spoke were correct ( viz. the foster mother 's preventing her having access to and contact with the children , and allegations which she says the children made to her of their physical and emotional abuse by the foster mother and other members of her ‘ family ’ ) , then the mother 's wishes and feelings were not lightly to be ignored .
9 At the hearing before the stipendiary magistrate on 16 August , the transcript of Price 's evidence before the court in Sweden was admitted in evidence without objection .
10 Where there are insuperable difficulties in arranging for that evidence to be questioned it should not be admitted in evidence , or the hearing authority should exclude it from their consideration .
11 In R v Hove Juvenile Court , ex pW [ 1989 ] FCR 286 , for example , the expert opinion of a child psychiatrist was admitted in evidence although she had not seen the child .
12 Well my Lord , all we know is that erm when the report was served on the defendant it then came through court they were going to have to call Mr and then last week it was suggested er that er not only did they not agree but that they were going to try to prevent it being admitted in evidence .
13 Yet in sharp contrast to this development , the 1985 Act provides expressly that evidence which tends to suggest that illegal tapping has taken place is not to be admitted in court .
14 It is surprising that the Commission has failed to recognise that if uncorroborated confessions are to be admitted in court then their accuracy must be above suspicion .
15 The export promotion aspect was in effect admitted in court by Alan Clark , Minister of Trade in 1986-89 and Minister of State for Defence Procurement in 1989-92 .
16 The prosecution admitted in court today that the paper work was wrong and the arrests therefore unlawful .
17 A former chairman of Swindon Town Football Club has admitted in court that he lied to both the Inland Revenue and the Football League .
18 A 15-YEAR-OLD Darlington girl admitted in court yesterday she stole to subsidise her 20 a day smoking habit .
19 As is admitted in Information Technology in Humanities Scholarships , a report co-sponsored by the British Library and the British Academy , however , nearly all of that research is conducted on a shoestring ( 1993 : 28 ) .
20 Some uncertainty was admitted in relation to those factors , and ways of studying the impact of such uncertainties were shown , but then it was assumed that the uncertainties themselves were reasonably structured such that rough probabilities of outcomes could be assigned .
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