Example sentences of "apply a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Wash daily , apply a non-greasy body lotion to dry patches only , and wear loose cotton next to the skin when you can .
2 Then , with the paint still damp on the paper , I apply a small , but watery mixture of burnt umber and Prussian blue to the area where the bulk of the shadows are found and allow this to bleed into the stone undercoat .
3 Then , with the paint still damp on the paper , I apply a small , but watery mixture of burnt umber and Prussian blue to the area where the bulk of the shadows are found and allow this to bleed into the stone undercoat .
4 Apply a small amount of the product the size of a one pence behind the ear and leave for 24 hours .
5 A GYROSTABILISER consists of a small , rapidly spinning , motor-driven flywheel which is able to sense movement of a model about any chosen axis and apply a cancelling movement to the appropriate servo .
6 When dealing with windows , remove all traces of rust and apply a neutralising agent to badly affected areas .
7 After washing , particularly if your skin is oily , apply a mild astringent such as rosewater ( or one of the skin tonics suggested in Chapter 5 ) .
8 Well , yes , it can be that easy if you are only moving fairly slowly , but bear in mind that to stop in a reasonable distance you have to hold on the control long enough to raise the nose and apply a braking force .
9 Never apply a depilatory cream to inflamed or broken skin , or shortly before or after using soap , deodorant or a perfumed product .
10 Ensure the existing mortar bed is smooth , then apply a dry mix of new mortar .
11 Trends in Old Master drawings over the last twelve years analysed by Professor Victor Ginsburgh and Nicholas Schwed of Brussels University , who apply a new methodology
12 Simply towel-dry hair thoroughly and apply a decent sized blob ( according to the length of your hair ) .
13 We therefore apply a finite-difference approach to solving the required equations .
14 Does this enable the court to take into account the comparative social utility of the product and apply a cost-benefit analysis ?
15 ‘ That gave the free-lovers a bit of a turn , ’ admitted Constance , ‘ but they think if you apply a nice hygienic bit of clingfilm , everything 'll be all right .
16 Ceilings : Apply a similar technique to that used for canopies .
17 For θ <0 , we apply a similar procedure , decreasing θ from zero and calculating θ in each tableau using ( 6.4a ) .
18 Rub lightly with medium grade steel wool ; dust off and apply a final coat of varnish , finishing in the direction of the wood grain
19 When varnish is completely dry , apply a final top coat of colourless varnish .
20 If it bursts then net the fish out and apply a tiny dab of TCP or Gentian Violet to disinfect the wound and it will probably heal up all by itself .
21 Apply a sterile eyepad and hold it in place with micropore tape .
22 Apply a warm khaki-green on the browbone , rounding down to the outside corner of the eye , and highlight with an orangy glow just under the arch of the eyebrow .
23 Apply a warm , skintoned blusher , so it does n't detract from eyes and mouth .
24 Carefully lift each piece of leaf or flower used in the design and apply a smallish amount of glue to its underside .
25 After sunbathing , always apply a soothing , unperfumed moisturiser over face and body to delay peeling and prolong your tan .
26 American zoologists and botanists were , like those elsewhere , divided into ‘ lumpers ’ and ‘ splitters ’ : lumpers are those who apply a coarse taxonomy , putting into one group individuals which may differ quite widely ; whereas splitters use a fine taxonomy , making species where lumpers saw only races or varieties .
27 Apply a sunlit coral shade of lipstick — outline first with matching lip pencil .
28 Every 4th or 5th shampoo , apply a penetrating treatment to really give your hair a boosts .
29 Get the wing-tip holder to keep the down wind wing-tip high and apply a little aileron to prevent it falling during the first part of the take-off run .
30 So the Aussies blend them together and , when they apply a little oak ageing too , the result is a lovely fat wine , mildly spicy , but with a streak of lime .
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