Example sentences of "vulnerable to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The IMF criticized the new currency as being vulnerable to inflation .
2 The selection factors are presumably the same , crabs will always take wide-mouthed shells first and elongated shells must always be more vulnerable to wave action : selection produces different results because it is operating on genetically different populations .
3 Corning 's high-quality , high-priced pots and pans are more vulnerable to recession than more humble vessels .
4 That ought , on paper , to have made corporate America worryingly more vulnerable to recession , and to a downturn in cash flow .
5 There is nothing wrong with the service and tourism sectors , but overreliance on them produces an economy just as vulnerable to recession as previous versions built around heavy manufacturing industry .
6 Though there were marginal gains from refining and nutrition , most of the surplus from those operations were offset by losses in chemicals and other activities vulnerable to recession .
7 None the less , its heavy dependence on exports of minerals , especially gold and diamonds ( which make up about 80 per cent of export earnings ) , make it vulnerable to fluctuations in the world market , and to sanctions imposed by some members of the international community .
8 The company is less vulnerable to fluctuations in expert availability
9 Such branch lines are of course vulnerable to changes in output level or distribution policy of their users .
10 It could create dependence on unreliable imports ( as the world market for low sulphur coal is extremely susceptible to sharp increases in demand and expensive because of its popularity in the USA ) , adversely affect the balance of payments , be vulnerable to changes in the value of the pound , increase unemployment costs from the mining industry , and lead to the geological abandonment of UK mines , thus making it a difficult policy to reverse .
11 But there was soon a limit to this process of adjustment : once perfection had been reached they were vulnerable to changes in habitat .
12 The official reserve itself is also vulnerable to changes in exchange rate , which compounds the problem of ensuring adequate reserves .
13 The workload is cyclical , vulnerable to changes in economic policy and economic performance , and often subject to the late award of contracts .
14 Government commitments , such as the 1984 programme contract with RENFE , may be very vulnerable to changes in the political and economic context .
15 I knew from my family history I was likely to be vulnerable to cancer and luckily it was diagnosed and treated in time .
16 vulnerable to road , bicycle and sporting accidents
17 vulnerable to hazards in the work environment ; vulnerable to road traffic accidents ; responsible for safety of children
18 But this made the Department and ministers once again vulnerable to charges of abdicating their responsibilities for financial and policy goals .
19 This makes women cheaper to dismiss and makes them more vulnerable to redundancy .
20 Smaller firms in the UK are more vulnerable to takeovers because of the existence of a sophisticated Stock Exchange which encourages small companies to raise finance by being floated on the unlisted markets .
21 1.3 What makes public companies vulnerable to takeovers ?
22 Weaker members of society are always vulnerable to mistreatment .
23 But if man is vulnerable to impulses which send him spiralling down into darkness , that very vulnerability is the means by which he can existentially know the strength whereby it can be healed and stabilised .
24 Significant numbers of England 's nightjars , woodlarks and Dartford warblers breed in the New Forest , which is vulnerable to development pressures from roads , pipelines and recreational facilities .
25 Hippos are uniquely vulnerable to drought , but other grazing and browsing animals , such as elephant , kudu and eland are also at risk .
26 Presenting a report before an audience in this way and making themselves vulnerable to questions and criticisms were new experiences which many governors continue to find unsettling .
27 In so far as Freud thought he had done psychology as a natural science , he has been vulnerable to critics within psychology who have applied natural scientific criteria to his work and found it wanting .
28 The authors argue that this is not evidence that their model is incorrect or inapplicable to treated cases , but that , to a certain extent , the factors which make women vulnerable to depression also make them less likely to receive psychiatric help .
29 It means that the reason there seems to be an association between low social support and vulnerability to neurosis is because the same attributes of personality that make a person vulnerable to depression also make a person see their friends and relatives as unhelpful , whether or not they are around and available to help .
30 For instance , there is evidence that a long history of failure in an important area of a person 's life makes them particularly vulnerable to depression in the context of a major loss or disappointment which could be interpreted as further evidence of their lack of competence .
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