Example sentences of "exist for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Awards , except to foreigners , appear in the London Gazette ; citations exist for a number of awards although the majority of World War Two examples do not have citations .
2 To me it seems that beauty , and indeed the qualities and forms which give rise to beauty , only exist for a consciousness .
3 There must , in fact , be few marriages in which temporary sexual difficulties do not arise and , as we have seen , at any one time they exist for a fair proportion of married adults .
4 Opportunities exist for a wide range of engineering staff : electrical , logic and systems design , memory systems design , operating systems design , optimising and compiling development , and CAD/CAM .
5 The difficulties associated with this approach include the assumption that comprehensive and detailed development plans exist for every property .
6 A further example from the Police Foundation Oxford Conference gives some indication of the different perspectives which exist for the analytic researcher and the practical policeman :
7 No such options exist for the RUC .
8 Techniques exist for the ‘ stitching ’ of such fractures and they include a method in which groups of holes spaced at pre-defined centres are drilled across , and at right angles to each crack .
9 Facilities for morning coffee and afternoon teas are very limited in the Gorge and opportunities exist for the Valley Hotel to service individual tourists and coach tours .
10 Only two developments are worthy of note , both of which serve to substantiate further the notion of the institution as formalizing and legitimizing property arrangements : first , the gradual recognition of the right to end the relationship ( with greater ease as social mobility increases and old class structures requiring protection of their pedigree collapse ) on the condition that the more vulnerable party economically be protected ; and the corollary idea that , given the possibility of separation and divorce , while the relationship subsists , certain mutual rights of support exist for the partners .
11 The inhabitants of the outside world exist for the social actor not as persons whom he knows on an individualised basis , but as social types ( like mechanics or planners ) , or indistinguishable collectivities of persons ( like bureaucrats , Tories or Dinka ) The rules and conditions coming from the outside which in some way affect him are simply taken as given .
12 Handicapped persons are welcomed and facilities exist for the siting of wheelchairs at ground level at all performances .
13 It has taken too long to persuade the police that racial attacks even exist for the press to adopt some absurd pretence to being colour-blind now .
14 It is disgraceful that when paper mountains of directives exist for the size and shape of fruit and vegetables , the Government has so casually signed away the plight of millions of defenceless creatures .
15 Reciprocal arrangements exist for the sale of the Relate 2000 in the US , Japan , Singapore and Hong Kong , and other countries will follow shortly .
16 What problems and solutions exist for the promotion of vocations to the Religious Life ?
17 The groups exist for the whole age range , from pre-school upwards .
18 It was still his view that it did not , as the Liberals apparently continued to contend , exist for the interest of individuals .
19 What possibilities exist for the expansion of health service employment at the Royal Victoria Hospital ?
20 Health services exist for the benefit of patients , not doctors ; schools and colleges are for students , not for teachers or administrators .
21 The use of the word ‘ devolved ’ is intentional since , while formalized channels of communication exist for the conveyance of policy , service implementation is often determined at local level .
22 Development costs are also charged to the profit and loss account in the year of expenditure , except when individual projects satisfy the following criteria : the project is clearly defined and related expenditure is separately identifiable ; the project is technically feasible and commercially viable ; current and future costs will be exceeded by future sales ; and adequate resources exist for the project to be completed .
23 In the European Community , during the boom years of the 1960s and 1970s , they already existed in the Balkans and elsewhere , as they exist for the United States in Latin America .
24 However , it should be emphasised that the Family Fellowships exist for the benefit of the family member , regardless of what may be happening to the primary sufferer .
25 At world level , two organizations exist for the governing of karate , WUKO , the World Union of Karate Organizations , and FAJKO , the Federation of All-Japan Karate Organizations .
26 In deciding whether or not the conditions exist for the issuing of conditions , the chief of police may take into account such factors as disturbances that have arisen in the past when the same organisation processed on a previous occasion .
27 This is that living organisms exist for the benefit of DNA rather than the other way around .
28 Could there not be in every tube station , railway station and bus station , and on bus shelters — especially in rural regions — specially prepared posters with information to tell people where day and night shelters exist for the homeless ?
29 It is felt that sufficient services already exist for the mobile phone network .
30 In some European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands , publication of this thesis is a pre-requisite before the degree is awarded , and specific journals exist for the publication of such theses .
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