Example sentences of "exist [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This might happen for some clumps of primordial germ cells are known to form intercellular bridges so that they exist as a syncytium ( fused cells , sharing several nuclei ) .
2 As heirs of the philosophical Enlightenment and the modern scientific world-view , they can not grasp the possibility that Evil could be personified or exist as a spirit opposed to God and his creation .
3 Yet , despite this intimacy , the fact that they exist as a couple with a unique value in each other 's eyes ( a point marvellously grasped in Donne 's love-poetry ) , they remain separate , even when man and woman strive to overcome the fundamental dualism of life .
4 Many extremely interesting publications on art currently only exist as a one-off draft .
5 His message was that societies had to be understood in terms of their economic structures , and in particular their social relations of production and the conflicts between the different economic classes which exist as a result of those relations .
6 It 's hardly my fault , is it , if Luke has n't noticed you exist as a woman ? ’
7 We saw in chapter 4 that mixtures may be homogeneous , in which case they exist as a single phase , or they may be heterogeneous .
8 In UF9 cells CREB is predominantly or exclusively heterodimerised with ATF1 and large amounts of ATF1 exist as a homodimer while in DF9 cells CREB homodimers are most abundant and ATF1 homodimers least abundant or absent .
9 They each exist as an organic entity , with an internal dynamic .
10 Awards , except to foreigners , appear in the London Gazette ; citations exist for a number of awards although the majority of World War Two examples do not have citations .
11 To me it seems that beauty , and indeed the qualities and forms which give rise to beauty , only exist for a consciousness .
12 There must , in fact , be few marriages in which temporary sexual difficulties do not arise and , as we have seen , at any one time they exist for a fair proportion of married adults .
13 Opportunities exist for a wide range of engineering staff : electrical , logic and systems design , memory systems design , operating systems design , optimising and compiling development , and CAD/CAM .
14 The scenario repeats itself again and again : the rainwater gutters are choked with leaves and self-seeded grass ; damp seeps through the roof and , as the building is often boarded up and not properly ventilated , perfect conditions soon exist for an outbreak of dry rot .
15 But if the term be used to designate those relations … existing between the masses and the leaders , the relations which exist between a more competent man and a less competent , by virtue of which the more competent can control the actions of the less competent for the
16 When Charles Temple asked himself what form the finally evolved connection between the conquering races and the conquered , now existing in partially evolved form as Indirect Rule , and based on ‘ the relations which exist between a more competent man and a less competent ’ , might take , he answered that he saw no reason
17 First it will examine the consultative arrangements which exist between a number of key government agencies and representative bodies .
18 The method used to translate the financial statements should reflect the financial and other operational relationships which exist between an investing company and its foreign enterprises ( refer to SSAP 20 ) .
19 Culture may be defined as those ideas , traditions , points of view and modes of behaviour which exist amongst a particular people , and which are transmitted , through learned behaviour , from generation to generation .
20 Whether they believe in heaven and hell as places that physically exist with a geography of their own , or as concepts existing on the spiritual plane alone , this view holds good .
21 This is nowhere more so than in West Germany , where some 800 pedestrianised areas exist with a mean size of 2,500 metres.So widespread has been this conversion of former car streets that the city centres of large German cities are effectively completely given over to foot traffic.36 Britain has been very much slower to recognise the benefits that pedestrianisation can bring .
22 I exist with a primary school football team and th the two skills that they 're able to develop , the powers of concentration and hopefully a sense of fair play .
23 These four diagrams can only represent a simplified overview ; in practice accountability relationships exist via a variety of direct and indirect routes .
24 Whilst all research students are formally registered in one of the University 's Departments , opportunities for postgraduate study also exist within a number of Interdisciplinary Research Centres , details of which are available on page 45 .
25 We exist within a vast ocean of invisible , universal energy .
26 ‘ In many instances , ’ writes Godwin , ‘ these hotbeds fever and vice are so effectually hidden by goodly houses that the inhabitants of the latter are scarcely aware of the poverty and disease which exist within a stone 's throw from their own doors . ’
27 Four such areas of opportunity exist within a company or industry :
28 Informal organisations always exist within a formal organisation , and if employees are properly motivated , these informal organisations should operate to the advantage of the formal organisation 's efficiency and effectiveness .
29 We have indicated that organisations exist within a changing environment and they have to respond to this environment .
30 Perhaps the answer lies in diversity and in that the very existence of different organizational structures in different countries is a very positive attribute and that when diverse arrangements exist within a single country this also may be highly desirable .
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