Example sentences of "exist as [art] " in BNC.

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1 While O'Neill and his supporters represented that visit as the Republic s de facto recognition that the North did exist as a separate entity and that doing necessary economic business with the North meant the Republic attenuating its claims to the territory of Ulster , the conservative Protestants saw it as an horrendous betrayal of the history and sacrifice of Ulster Protestants .
2 Maybe the authors realised this anyway , as they each made their colonies telepathic — and for that to solve the problem the collective mind must in some sense exist as a permanent , ordered structure of its own .
3 If the piranha fish did not brush its fins gently against a member of the opposite sex each month it would not exist as a species .
4 Does that exist as a real force ? ’
5 At its surface , water could exist as a liquid rather than as a gas , and so oceans and seas came into existence .
6 Now , even if all instances of ‘ aggressive conduct ’ were ultimately reinterpreted as being caused by an external agency , the ideal model of aggression as ‘ deliberately causing harm ’ would still exist as a model .
7 Spectragraphics ' newest development is PC-Xview for NT , claimed to be the first X-Windows server for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT — which does n't actually exist as a product yet .
8 Or there may be a requirement that before the body exercises its power , a certain state of affairs must exist as a preliminary requirement , the correct state of affairs is a prerequisite to the exercise of the power .
9 L. , 1976 ) water authorities had a statutory power to make orders imposing charges on persons not connected to mains drainage was held to be ultra vires as the correct state of affairs did not exist as a precondition to the exercise of the power .
10 This statement should include a description of the basic organizational character , policies , values , and priorities that will exist as a result of the transformational change .
11 ( 2 ) The human being does not exist as a legal person until after birth .
12 But a loss of control by a constitutional government may not immediately deprive it of its status , whereas an insurgent regime will require to establish control before it can exist as a government .
13 The idea for the tongs may not even exist as a sketch ; simply as a concept in the smith 's mind .
14 Meanwhile , the NSF led by former Prime Minister Petre Roman elected a new executive bureau on April 9 and condemned the NSF-22 December branch , saying that it did not exist as a party , but only " expressed an intention " .
15 In order that tables can be joined , the value of the foreign key must exist as a primary key in another relation or be null ( this is a rule of relational modelling known as referential integrity ) .
16 Since water does not normally exist as a liquid below its freezing point , any point on this curve represents water in a metastable condition .
17 Thus , at all pressures below this point carbon dioxide can not exist as a liquid .
18 Unlike a company , a partnership does Dot exist as a separate legal entity : for example , a partnership can not sue and be sued in its own right .
19 so , and we were repressing , repression was pushing into the unconscious , so does the unconscious still exist as a place where we repress everything ?
20 Now look what had happened to the place , and I play you that because , maybe we shall never ever hear that again , because Yugoslavia can not now exist as a State .
21 He says male rape does n't exist as a legal entity in this country , the law needs changing to alter people 's perceptions It 's the same as any other serious sexual crime
22 Standees does exist as a word despite initial doubts from this direction .
23 Certainly , central banking was markedly different from our own day and monetary policy did not exist as an instrument of economic policy .
24 And from the ‘ land of oranges ’ , the new exiles arrived in the West Bank and in Lebanon and in the Kingdom of Transjordan with an identity — as ‘ Palestinians ’ — that applied to a country that no longer existed , that indeed never did exist as an independent nation .
25 Given these observations upon the complexity of criminal law as a social and moral phenomenon it follows that it can exist as an ‘ introductory ’ subject only through its radical distortion , simplification , amputation and eclecticism .
26 The heterogeneous nature of its object had led to a heterogeneous discipline , and it was only by making literariness the object of its enquiry that literary science could exist as an independent and indeed as a coherent and systematic type of study .
27 And the only thing that seems to stand in the way of doing anything commercially sensible with County Farms is that every time we deal with it , somebody says , ah , but it can only exist as an entity , let's keep it as that , let's pass it on to a trust , let's safeguard it , let's do this and that .
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