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1 In fact , Hainer Bastian see this exhibition as completing the vision of Picasso presented at the last great retrospective in New York twelve years ago , when the focus was on his Cubist , surrealist and classical phases .
2 It was preceded by ‘ The Interpretive Link : Abstract Surrealism into Abstract Expressionism 1938–1948 ’ , which he presented at the Newport Harbor Art Museum , where he was formerly chief curator , in 1986 .
3 The artists with whom his gallery was closely involved are Andy Goldsworthy , Hamish Fulton , Roger Ackling and Ian Hamilton Finlay , whose Wild Hawthorne Press material he presented at the Fruitmarket when it briefly reopened for last year 's Edinburgh Festival .
4 John has devised a system of tooling for turning nests of bowls , which he presented at the Loughborough seminar and has been taken up and will be marketed in the near future .
5 Stereoscopic depth perception was studied by Durnford and Kimura ( 1971 ) by asking subjects to judge whether two rods , one presented at the point of fixation and one presented in the left or right visual field , were horizontally aligned .
6 In sum , then , one can say little more on the basis of the scanty information available than that Molla Yegan appears to have abandoned his official posts by at least 844/1440–1 ; to have returned from his journey to the Hijaz , in company with Molla Gurani , whom he presented at the Ottoman court , not earlier than alter the pilgrimage of 844/1441 but very possibly not much later ; if not to have continued to be a figure of some importance in the state until at least 857/1453 , to have re-emerged as such then , though without , apparently , holding any official post ; and to have died at some time alter that date , perhaps in 878/1473–4 .
7 It is not necessarily the Secretary of State 's definitive view , it is the view that erm the regional office have come to given the erm evidence presented presented at the time .
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