Example sentences of "contained in this " in BNC.

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1 The emphatic denigration contained in this locational insult had to be heard to be understood , and in many ways it paralleled the dismissive tone used to deride the ‘ civvy ’ , for nuances of speech and tone have immense meaning to insiders .
2 The Directions to local authorities contained in this Circular , and the Income Support Amendment Regulations ( SI 1991 no 1656 — see Information Circular , August 1991 ) came into effect on 12 August 1991 .
3 The holiday contract incorporates all of the information contained in this brochure .
4 The information contained in this brochure is correct at time of going to press , however , the Management reserves the right to cancel or alter the advertised programme in exceptional circumstances .
5 The information contained in this leaflet is based on our understanding of current legislation and Inland Revenue practice .
6 For general enquiries regarding arts events promoted by the University of Ulster , or for further information about any of the events contained in this leaflet , please contact JEREMY LEWIS , the University 's Arts Administrator on Coleraine 44141 .
7 Information contained in this brochure is correct at the time of going to press .
8 Although the details contained in this brochure have been published in good faith , Somerset Tourism can not accept any liability for inaccuracies or omissions or for any loss or damage in any way connected with or arising out of the publication of this information .
9 He disagrees with the version of events contained in this last sentence by ignoring it and saying smilingly , ‘ You no pay here , baby .
10 The Hitachi Corporation of Japan have estimated the power contained in this underlying sea of energy as one billion volts per cubic centimetre .
11 21.1 In the event that any or any part of the terms , conditions or provisions contained in this Agreement shall be determined invalid , unlawful or unenforceable to any extent such term , condition or provision shall be severed from the remaining terms , conditions and provisions which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law .
12 Program means the computer Program contained in this package together with all codes , techniques , formats , designs , concepts , methods and ideas associated with the computer Program .
13 The term also includes all copies of any part of the software as well as the User 's Guide contained in this package .
14 There are pay-offs contained in this message .
15 A number of points contained in this definition need to be spelt out .
16 The need for metropolitan government intervention of a swift and direct kind and its ideological justification were contained in this moral and political marginalisation of the West Indians .
17 Together with other frontline RAF types they kept the enemy at bay for over three months , and every aircraft type that is known to have seen operational use during that period is contained in this publication .
18 It is worth reproducing the Manifesto in full at this point , for many of the major planks of future NVALA ‘ policy ’ were contained in this Manifesto in embryonic form .
19 The proposals , in force from April 1991 , contained in this document are consistent with the ideology of the administration in that it is an attempt to apply market principles to the institution which is the cornerstone of the British welfare state .
20 The person signing the booking form confirms that he/she has the authority of all other persons mentioned on that form to make the booking on their behalf and that he/she has read and accepted the Consumer Protection Plan and the information contained in this brochure .
21 The prices contained in this brochure were valid at the time of publication ( October 1991 ) .
22 Nottinghamshire County Council can not be held responsible for any error , omission or subsequent alteration to the information contained in this brochure .
23 Letters to and from members of HM Forces are charged at the concessionary postage rates contained in this leaflet .
24 Postage service to the Royal Navy , Army and Royal Air Force are charged at the concessionary postage rates contained in this leaflet .
25 It is the evaluators ' belief that the impressive rhetoric contained in this part of the proposal describes an ideal which the school could not realistically be expected to achieve , without an across-the-board change amounting to a curriculum revolution .
26 Much of the detail contained in this chapter remains as true now as when it was written .
27 The tour of cultures contained in this chapter has highlighted the costs of strong culture and methods for its management .
28 However , two five bp boxes ( 5'TGCAA and 5'TGTAA on the top strand ) oriented in a directly repeated configuration are also contained in this DNA segment ( Fig. 1 ) .
29 References in this book to sections are to those contained in this Act .
30 Yet the extracts from the diaries of staff contained in this account demonstrate the stress and emotional intensity encountered in working in a small school of this kind .
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