Example sentences of "stay at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
2 If it 's a comfortable evening 's entertainment you 're after , stay at home with the video .
3 Elizabeth Rex , of Harwich , raised the Tories ' much-criticised European elections poster whose message read : ‘ Stay at home on June 15 and you 'll live on a diet of Brussels . ’
4 The old crowd controls at football matches have gone as working men increasingly stay at home to watch sport , leaving the stadium — or the unseated ‘ ends ’ at least — as an arena for the young .
5 Gerd Krampe , of Rewe Leibbrand , a German retailer , gave clear advice to a recent conference of British retailers on the question of expansion abroad : ‘ You stay at home with your nice profits . ’
6 Many stay at home because they can not drive .
7 It needs to be remembered that bereaved people stay at home .
8 The outspoken Mrs Clinton , an assertive Leftish lawyer , has already become a campaign issue because of a scathing remark she made about women who ‘ stay at home and bake cookies ’ and because Mr Clinton says he will consider her for a job in his Cabinet once he wins the White House .
9 FRANCE pursues a single-minded policy to promote families by giving them a large tax deduction for each child , in addition to an allowance for mothers who stay at home .
10 Mothers stay at home for three years after the birth of their babies on 70% of their salary ( inflation is not taken into consideration ) .
11 Three percent are classed as ineducable and either stay at home with their families or are placed in welfare institutions — parents wishing to have teaching for these children have to pay privately .
12 Whether to marry or pursue a career ; when to have children — or , indeed , whether to have them at all ; whether and when to return to work after the children are born ; whether to continue working or stay at home and look after an aged relative — the problems for today 's woman are endless .
13 McEnroe insisted that she stay at home and look after Kevin , six , Sean , five , and one-year-old Emily .
14 Next time just stay at home and switch on the telly , clever clogs .
15 OUTSPOKEN TV star Paula Yates told working mums yesterday : Stay at home with your kids , you 'd be better off .
16 Tizard , for example , mentions the need to support the natural parents to enable them to care adequately ; Kellmer Pringle has advocated payment for mothers who stay at home to care ; and a further interviewee who may be identified with the ‘ society-as-parent ’ view had this to say in answer to the argument that the 1975 Act put already powerless parents in an even more powerless position :
17 Put in plain language , the women stay at home and provide emotional support while the men go out to work and provide financial support .
18 I stay at home and my partner — for I 'm not a wife — puts on a suit and goes out of the door to work .
19 Consequently , multinationals are concentrated in oligopolistic industries and have been larger than firms that stay at home ( Bergsten et al. , 1978 ) .
20 If they were working they 'd be going to discos , but because they ca n't work they stay at home , and because they 're girls they do the housework , though they feel they are doing somebody else 's housework .
21 The romanticized picture of housewives happy over their labour of love is also challenged by accounts of the higher rates of depression among women with small children who stay at home , by such eagerness to take paid work that they will accept rates of pay and conditions of employment that no man would tolerate , and by accounts of the slow hard slog and monotony of housework .
22 Moreover , when its characters stay at home , the walls of their houses , though rarely described in any detail , reflect the values and aspirations of Palladian architecture .
23 Stay at home and do n't go to the Opera House .
24 Stag parties and hen parties used to be held the night before the wedding , the last opportunity for the girls and boys to go out , or stay at home , with friends of their own sex .
25 If my mum wants to go out , or goes to work , I stay at home and look after the girls , and vice versa .
26 Recently his complaints had been more and more concerned with his wife : he had even asked the doctor to ‘ tell Susie ’ to give up her job and stay at home .
27 Peter immediately replied , ‘ I would like Susie to give up work and stay at home , so that I can be sure that she is not cheating on me and not planning to leave . ’
28 One character is in the Resistance , another witnesses Hiroshima , another goes to a concentration camp , others stay at home .
29 I go out all day to college having a lovely time while you stay at home making yourself ill .
30 In addition , the study showed that further income is generated by Irish people who stay at home to attend a festival instead of travelling abroad .
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