Example sentences of "stay in [art] " in BNC.

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2 Stay in a tent or caravan !
3 Holiday parks in which you can camp , or stay in a chalet or caravan are now remarkably good — so much so that if you have n't tried this kind of holiday for a few years you could be in for a very pleasant surprise .
4 We have been able to resume many former activities and look forward to going to France again , as we have done a number of times , and stay in a tiny village in the mountains of Provence .
5 WHEN the bomb drops , make sure you have on hand enough toilet paper , soap and towels to last your two week stay in a fallout shelter .
6 Picture an island near Zanzibar ringed by a virginal coral reef where you stay in a thatched hut amongst palm trees on a pristine beach .
7 ‘ It 's just not possible for me to pack a briefcase and go and stay in a Hilton somewhere looking for business and agents .
8 You stay in a suite at Manila 's most elegant and historic hotel at the attractive rate of US$190++ .
9 Stay in a traditional stone and slate cottage , set amid 250 wooded acres surrounding a magnificent lake or in the beautiful three star hotel .
10 Stay in a superior room with flowers and champagne on arrival at a supplement of £35 per person per night .
11 About 12 to 16 people stay in a large villa run by two English girls .
12 ‘ Did you and Jones stay in a hotel in Hualien ? ’
13 And then that small win on the pools ; we need n't go with a group , Dan had said , go on our own , do what we like , stay in a really good hotel , have the holiday of a lifetime , what d' you say .
14 But er everybody thinks oh you 're going away stay in a nice hotel .
15 Although his weekend stay in a freezer owned by Farepack in Swindon is comparitively tropical to the temperatures he 's likely to encounter at the North Pole .
16 three million books on the shelve , and we do n't have time going properly at the price so we go anything you want , bung it on the trolley and soon as the trolleys full it 's taken away and another one given , and you poke around and then in the evening , you stay in a hotel overnight , and then the following morning , they get and you just sort of send up the money and they just shout up the money as we go , then , every time I get to a thousand they say one , two , and you say right , tell me when I get near three , and I 've got this erm , I 'm dreadful at maths , I failed maths O Level three times and I do n't think about prices , I 've never been more than fifteen pounds out .
17 Late summer and early autumn are good times to sow hardy green manures , which stay in the ground through the winter and rot down , or are dug in , in the spring .
18 Never stay in the sun until your skin goes red — the damage has already been done .
19 I was neither Jew nor English nor white , or even a proper Indian or a proper Pakistani ; but my travels through Europe and stay in the USA and my near acceptance there as a living entity capable of suffering pain and enjoying pleasure had temporarily given me a sort of quasi-human status , further aggravated by those willing to be my sexual partners ; I had become spoilt and pampered .
20 They stay in the reception classes for a period of up to three years , after which they are usually dropped into the lowest streams of the schools to which the classes are attached …
21 When you went out on a tour with MainMan , you did n't eat in a Wimpey level of place , or stay in the Holiday Inn .
22 But it will be hard to accept that these people are serious about democracy — or can do much more to further its cause — so long as they stay in the same party as democracy-haters .
23 ‘ You stay in the business longer and you wo n't get hurt with my approach .
24 The animals stay in the dip for the statutory full minute and the dip is emptied , in 22 seconds , through a filter back to the tanker .
25 Stay in the queue or join those at the churn ?
26 Not something that is likely to happen if you stay in the safety and lethargy of your armchair .
27 If you want more , go inland ; if you can get by with less , stay in the city ; if you do n't need more than a square foot or so , go to the islands .
28 China 's rare earths stay in the ground
29 UVB and UVA Protect the soles of your feet tan gradually stay in the shade re-apply every 2–3 hours wear your sunglasses
30 With an increase of bland courtesy he insists that she stay in the car while he talks to the girl behind the Reception desk .
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