Example sentences of "to wait [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 As it happened , this queen mother was the most remarkable and able of them all , and it is therefore something of an irony that she had to wait for twelve years , until 1554 , and stage a successful coup , before obtaining the place which earlier queen mothers had immediately enjoyed .
2 The answer I tend to get off a lot of places is that I have to wait for twelve years
3 He had to wait for fifteen minutes before he was admitted to the Agency 's annexe .
4 Forbes thus had to wait for fifteen years or so before the coveted post came up ; during this time Jameson sometimes teetered but always recovered , and his courses and museum fell behind the times .
5 It is not uncommon to wait for 5 hours for the result to be obtained .
6 Aszal had all the documents required from a returning immigrant , but he was questioned for four hours and made to wait for four hours and then told he could go .
7 After the concert she had to wait for four minutes before McCartney could rejoin her … while he accepted a standing ovation .
8 ‘ The only mistake we made was to wait for four years before trying to sort out our lives , ’ Julius replied in an unruffled tone .
9 They also pointed to an incident during which a patient had to wait for four hours for an anaesthetist .
10 We only had to wait for five minutes for the first boooooom … and a second … and a third .
11 The trouble was that after they were born , children had to wait for six years before they could be sent to school and forgotten for most of the day .
12 We might well have to wait for six months before we found a prahu which was heading in the right direction .
13 Precisely how these new popular energies would influence the world of high politics could not be anticipated : perhaps the movement would have to wait for one of Cobden 's ‘ accidents ’ .
14 It surprised Date 's tutors to see someone as famous as Minton coming all the way out to Sutton to wait for one of their students .
15 The true explanation is utterly different , and it had to wait for one of the most revolutionary thinkers of all time , Charles Darwin .
16 You may have to wait for one or two things but you know like like copy sometimes but I did n't used to send them s erm er contracts in unless they had everything .
17 He says they told us to wait for two hours which we did then they told us to wait another hour and a half .
18 Those made redundant were to wait for 26 weeks before being entitled to unemployment benefit .
19 Sometimes it is best to wait for 3 to 6 months or even a year to do this .
20 He says it is not acceptable to have to wait for 2 years .
21 We are not allowed to know just yet , for the London Underground rule book tells drivers to wait for 30 minutes before making an announcement , unless they 've received a message to the contrary from their controllers or there is some ‘ immediate threat to safety . ’
22 Except that in my case there was no need to wait for seven years .
23 That is why I I I mentioned those mar , those remarks right at the beginning , God will never ever send another pentecost , the only people that God told to wait were those early disciples to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came and they had to wait for ten days from the ascension of Jesus until the Holy Spirit came .
24 Essentially , they are glorified leisure centres — Butlins for the Costa Brava generation , a way of feeling like you 're abroad without having to wait for three hours at Gatwick Airport .
25 He says : ‘ It 's ludicrous that we have to wait for three to five years when a foreign company can come in and pick up a UK TV company right now . ’
26 My family and I had to wait for three weeks in Bombay before getting a boat for England , but during that time I was able to do some useful PR work with newspapers and radio .
27 Apart from the lugger and the recovery of the bomber , we have to wait for three other things .
28 And I 've got to wait for three weeks before I know !
29 The usual advice is to wait for three menstrual cycles to go by , which is roughly the same as three months .
30 John Cheese , director of Barclays personal sector marketing , said : ‘ We found 36 p.c. of customers interviewed said they had to wait between five and 10 minutes to be served .
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