Example sentences of "face [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Yet students who have completed expensive training face the same difficulties as an untrained actor in qualifying for an Equity card .
2 Reserve police in the RUC wear the same uniform , for all that an outsider can distinguish , and as a consequence face the same security risks , but most are marginalized by the restricted range of duties they perform and the short-term status of their contract .
3 Muslim girls face the same harsh oppression .
4 All designers of hi fi gramophones face the same problem .
5 as if there were n't enough problems for the leftwinger trying to give up , we also face the same difficulties as the ordinary , apolitical smoker does .
6 And there may be much truth in this — all professions in the US face the same problem , because a small group of lawyers are using the tort system to benefit not only their client but themselves , often operating on a contingency fee basis with no cost to the client .
7 They all face the same problem : their strength traditionally lay in parish life , traditional communities , and what the sociologists call ‘ cultural embeddedness ’ .
8 There , it might be argued , Merchiston Publishing , and our students , face the same dilemmas as many commercial publishers , particularly in the STM ( Science , Technology , Medicine ) field .
9 I face the same problems as a structural engineer .
10 Holt and Harris both , in the end , face the same problem .
11 The crying continued after that , and continues , but now with other parents who face the same kinds of problems .
12 Such issues which touch upon the merits can no more be avoided under option four than under option two ; both options address many of the same issues , and face the same problems .
13 Remember that the hands both face the same way in contradistinction to the piano .
14 So far we have considered models in which all agents face the same information problem , although obviously agents in the island model have different information depending upon which island they are located on .
15 When price-taking producers and consumers face the same prices , marginal costs and marginal benefits are equated to prices ( by the independent actions of individual producers and consumers ) and hence to each other .
16 Other Western countries face the same problem of natural monopoly in these industries .
17 I would not for a moment propose we face the same immediate peril confronting the world in the early 1940s .
18 Will the Minister commit himself and the Government to the development of the coal industry in Scotland and say more about the Government 's intentions for Monktonhall , lest Yorkshire face the same problems as Scotland , as the Bishop of Durham made clear this weekend ?
19 ‘ We face the same risks day in day out for years on end . ’
20 One allocation that would be both efficient and equitable in this sense would be an initial endowment at 1 where both A and B have the same X and Y. Since they face the same budget constraint , each can have what the other has so that any trades away from equal allocation to the contract curve must meet the reverse allocation test illustrated as part ( b ) of the figure .
21 ESC founders Michael Bogdanov and Michael Pennington director and star of the Shakespeare tragedy say they would rather stay away from the Civic , one of the strongest dates on their world tours , than face the same problem again .
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