Example sentences of "delighted by the " in BNC.

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1 Church sources in Leipzig were delighted by the extraordinary joint declaration of three local party secretaries and the city 's director of music , Kurt Masur .
2 However , Mr Johnston was delighted by the Government 's decision on lawyers ' partnerships , a view not shared by the Law Society of Scotland .
3 One of our Social Workers has written : ‘ Mrs. Young was deeply grateful and delighted by the morale grant for Mark .
4 So we were delighted by the interested response of visitors .
5 Mr David Holding , the leading British contender in the race , was delighted by the news .
6 Pardoe is delighted by the prospect of going to market , although he 's reluctant to undercut the small shops who for years have kept the organic movement going .
7 ‘ Everyone is delighted by the enormous level of support we have received following Freddie 's death . ’
8 He recorded a visit of several days to Thorndon , Lord Petre 's estate , where he collected many rare specimens and must have been delighted by the tapestry of exotic climbers woven through trellises at the back of the stoves ( see p. 55 ) .
9 Christine was a little dubious about Judith using brown eyeshadow , worrying that her eyes might end up looking bloodshot , but she was delighted by the result .
10 I can not resist retelling one of the anecdotes : in 1963 , at a party to congratulate Cotton on an award he had just received , Lipscomb told Cotton that while he was delighted by the choice , it should not be supposed that he was on the ‘ cottonpickin' ’ committee .
11 But many archbishops were delighted by the excuse to go on pilgrimage to Rome ; and one of the first to benefit from the custom was Sigeric , archbishop of Canterbury ( 990 — 4 ) , who has left us a kind of diary of his visit — first of the churches in Rome which a pilgrim had especially to visit and to pray in , and then of the stages on his long journey back to Canterbury .
12 The crowd is delighted by the gods ' high spirits and pleasure in the dance .
13 The girl and her boyfriend were delighted by the new arrangement and they continued their happy sex life until a few months later when the mother announced that she was pregnant .
14 You used to stay in every Wednesday to see if it was you ! ) , and was delighted by the accolade .
15 In the Paris of the 19th century , it was a pleasure to go for a stroll and to be delighted by the public buildings .
16 He says : ‘ I am absolutely delighted by the honour — but more because of the people it has come from rather than the award itself .
17 Association chairman Trevor Hickes , who lost two daughters in the disaster , said he was delighted by the idea .
18 I have been delighted by the interest and support of the people of Killyleagh .
19 DRT was delighted by the decision .
20 Mr Jacklin , a partner in Jepson & Hindle of Darwen , Lancashire , is amused and delighted by the gift .
21 In the light of a growing trend for shareholders to question the reappointment of their companies ' auditors , Coopers & Lybrand must be delighted by the robust defence put forward on its behalf by British Telecom .
22 Elizabeth Mowbray was delighted by the marked change in her daughter that followed Joan 's arrival .
23 An unrepentant Michael Parkinson said he was delighted by the response .
24 ‘ But I was delighted by the way Tea Ropati took over complete control and directed the play in midfield . ’
25 He was particularly delighted by the hearth — a seven-foot-by-three slate slab — probably a gravestone , he thought .
26 ‘ Mrs. Young was deeply grateful and delighted by the morale grant for Mark .
27 I 'm delighted by the way we 've started .
28 The NME 's owners , IPC Magazines , rapidly became delighted by the paper 's status and profitability but occasionally embarrassed by the weekly outpourings of radical dementia , its enthusiasm for all ( ahem ) manifestations or rock culture and its ( ahem again ) colourful , demotic language .
29 I affected to become social with the others but out of the corner of my mind — while I played for the others the part of a poor miner 's son who was puzzled , but delighted by the attention these lovely people paid to him — I had her under close observation …
30 He was delighted by the somewhat undeserved honour of the Chancellorship of the University , which was bestowed upon him in 1930 , and which he retained to the end of his life .
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