Example sentences of "penalty [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 By one of those somersaults that can make Parliament so perplexing , whereas Ministers in the Commons had been forbidden to vote for abolition , in the Lords they were instructed to support the suspension of the death penalty for five years .
2 On Sept. 14 , 1989 , the Justice Ministry announced a series of reforms to abolish torture and the death penalty for 13 different crimes which did not include murder and political violence .
3 The outgoing criminal code had provided for the death penalty for 18 kinds of crimes .
4 The Middlesex batsman , left out of the senior trip to India and the ‘ A ’ team tour of Australia , has paid the penalty for two bust-ups with his county and a lack of form in Tests .
5 Thomas ran through and was pulled down as he rounded Walton , Dicks scoring with the penalty after 72 minutes .
6 Everybody 's player of the season , Mark Prudhoe , saved from Alan Johnson and Andy Pilling , but Quakers thought they were worth a penalty after 71 minutes when Mardenborough appeared to be pulled down by Jones , but referee Burns , who up to that point had been whistle happy , turned the appeals down .
7 When Grimsby offered him his first trial with a Football League club , he gave away a penalty after two minutes .
8 The scoreline was cruel to a Welsh side who shaded a tight , tough first half in which they shook Australia in line-out and scrum , taking the lead with a Colin Stephens penalty after 32 minutes .
9 Matthew Hunt converted a penalty after five minutes ; then Fowler netted his first after a move started by Nikki Harman .
10 Peter Johnston kicked a penalty after 19 minute for St Aloysius when the Gala backs strayed offside to make the score 5-3 for Gala , but a minute before the interval Gala scored a bizarre try .
11 Rovers might have had a penalty after 29 minutes when Aldridge was felled by Prior but referee John Lloyd of Wrexham dismissed the appeals .
12 Parry kicked a penalty after three minutes before Stephens replied for Llanelli .
13 He may also drop his ball back into play , though no nearer the hole , when given relief by the rules or under penalty of one shot if he thinks the ball is unplayable .
14 The third option is to drop the penalty of one stroke , as far back as you wish , keeping the ball 's entry into the hazard ( marked B ) between the spot on which the ball is dropped and the hole .
15 Although the charge carried a maximum penalty of one year 's imprisonment and a $100,000 fine , Barry 's sentence was widely considered to be harsh for a first offence .
16 Thus , to return to the arguments mobilized against the CLRC 's proposal : the chief difference in protection of the vulnerable between the present system and the CLRC 's is that the latter had a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment , whereas life imprisonment is available where a defence of diminished responsibility succeeds ; and the fundamental ethical problems are now swept under the carpet by a combination of a stretched diagnosis of ‘ abnormality of mind ’ and the ample judicial sentencing discretion , whereas the CLRC 's proposal attempted to make the issues justiciable .
17 The difference between an offence of reckless driving ( maximum penalty of two years ) and one of causing death by reckless driving ( maximum penalty of five years ) may simply be one of chance .
18 Another aggravated offence is assault with intent to resist arrest or to prevent a lawful arrest , contrary to section 38 of the 1861 Act and carrying a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment .
19 The Mental Health Act 1983 contains a somewhat similar offence of ill-treating or wilfully neglecting a patient in a mental hospital , which has a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment .
20 This offence , with its maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment , encompasses two classes of weapon : first , an article made or adapted for use as a weapon ; and second , any article intended for such use .
21 Other types of fraud and mistake are held to be insufficient for the offence of rape , and bring the case within the lesser offence of procuring a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse ( section 3 , Sexual Offences Act 1956 , carrying a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment ) .
22 Insider dealings are prohibited , and those who commit such dealings are liable to prosecution in the criminal court with a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment .
23 Eventually in 1275 the first Statute of Westminster appears to have provided that the ravishment of any woman was an offence punishable with a penalty of two years ' imprisonment and ransom and in 1285 the second Statute of Westminster turned this into a capital offence .
24 Defendants were frequently prepared to plead guilty under the old law with its maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment .
25 Contempt carries a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment , and is the only serious crime in English law which is triable by judges alone .
26 Characters suffer an M penalty of -2 here ( to a minimum of 1 ) .
27 Common assault is the lowest rung of the ‘ ladder ’ of non-fatal offences , with a maximum penalty of six months ' imprisonment , and it is discussed in more detail below .
28 There is a £250 arrangement fee and an early redemption penalty of six months ' interest .
29 Suicide and attempted suicide ceased to be a crime when the Suicide Act 1961 became law , in recognition of the right to self-determination , but there remains an offence of aiding , abetting , counselling , or procuring the suicide of another which carries a maximum penalty of fourteen years ' imprisonment .
30 The difference between an offence of reckless driving ( maximum penalty of two years ) and one of causing death by reckless driving ( maximum penalty of five years ) may simply be one of chance .
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