Example sentences of "to stand [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Reynolds was a notable conversationalist , well able to stand up to his friends , who included Samuel Johnson and Edmund Burke .
2 They are generally thicker and harder-fired than wall tiles , to enable them to stand up to heavy wear without cracking .
3 Kinnock improved his image most on being energetic and decisive but actually lost ground on being able to stand up to the USSR , reflecting perhaps the consequences of his ‘ dad 's army ’ interview with David Frost .
4 On being able to stand up to the USSR , Thatcher scored 80 per cent in the precampaign week , easing to 79 per cent in the last fortnight of the campaign .
5 It can not have been easy for an ordinand or a curate to stand up to contemptuous persiflage about his religion from one of the ablest minds of the generation who happened to be his own brother .
6 It was also true that the France of de Gaulle was trying to reverse her military defeat in 1940 by winning hegemony in post-war Western Europe by political means ; and her partners in the EEC lacked the unity needed to stand up to her .
7 But it would be desperately hard , in the Arab world , to stand up to a man who could portray himself as a ( literally ) world-defying champion of Palestinian rights .
8 It would have been hard for the toughest , most stable and secure character to stand up to being dream symbol to the world .
9 No one has yet been able to stand up to that complex and refuse to give it the money .
10 A Home Secretary needs one , not so much to stand up to criminals as to stand up to people with damaging non-solutions to crime .
11 In the longer term the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees tried to help individual farmers to eke out an adequate living , encourage the organization of small farmers at the village level , and foster the growth of a farming structure better able to stand up to the rigours of occupation than the present one in which middlemen and large landowners dominated agriculture .
12 At the age of 20 , Gedge was willing to placate his parents by taking on such a squalid job , but just a few years later , he was more than prepared to stand up to their well-intentioned pressure .
13 The problem is to develop a device which as well as demonstrating a high degree of efficiency in converting wave energy into electricity , is also robust enough to stand up to the buffeting and corrosion of the sea .
14 Many a teenager has been drawn into behaviour he would rather have avoided simply because he finds himself unable to stand up to his peers or to be the one who is ‘ different ’ .
15 ‘ Your daddy was terribly brave to stand up to them alone , ’ said Cheryl , in awe .
16 They ought to stand up to the goons . ’
17 I could n't imagine any of them having the nerve to stand up to Filmer and demand their money .
18 A lightweight racer/trainer many look sleek on the shelf , but it is n't going to stand up to heavy mileage and regular forays off-road .
19 He is right to change the emphasis of the list and we urge him to stand up to the civil servants who are resisting change .
20 THERE are times when you have to stand up to be counted and that time is here for the British Press .
21 Somebody has to stand up to these scum . ’
22 ‘ No mother can watch her child continue to be in pain — his frail body is not going to stand up to 30 general anaesthetics .
23 His only concern at that time was whether his marriage was going to be able to stand up to his time in jail .
24 As faith in the League declined , some called for a new alliance system — and a new Government — to stand up to fascist aggression .
25 Thank goodness for people prepared to stand up to authority and tackle the system they believe is wrong . ’
26 She really ought to stand up to him .
27 Since this high work of fracture — which makes trees able to stand up to the buffetings of life and which makes wood such a useful material — can not be accounted for by any of the recognized work of fracture mechanisms which operate in man-made composites , George set out to find out what was really happening .
28 ‘ She 's proud and wants to convey her determination to stand up to him .
29 They spoke after the borough council 's planning committee decided last night to stand up to the Home Office by objecting to the £14 million expansion , intended to ease the prison 's long-standing and often chronic overcrowding problem .
30 Maxine Johnson , who had been uneasy at his interview , was worried about whether Sutton would ‘ be able to stand up to Pilger ’ .
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