Example sentences of "to stand [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Never use wicker chairs to stand on for odd jobs around the house .
2 Kitchen floors need to be tough enough to withstand all sorts of spills , grease and damp , comfortable enough to stand on for long periods , and handsome to look at .
3 A VICTORIOUS Mr Major was back in Downing Street last night finalising an extensive Cabinet reshuffle as the twice-defeated Mr Kinnock was preparing to stand down as Labour leader , probably in the autumn .
4 MR NEIL KINNOCK and Mr Roy Hattersley — elected on Labour 's so-called ‘ dream ’ leadership ticket almost nine years ago — will announce today that they are to stand down as leader and deputy leader .
5 Simon was made aware that he might find himself obliged to stand down as a Parliamentary candidate if he failed to make an honest woman out of the Press Lord 's daughter .
6 So far , Jansen has declined to stand down as a trustee .
7 PETER Swales announced today that he was ready to stand down as chairman of trouble-torn Manchester City .
8 Executive members of one of the party 's most active branches , Mossend , confirmed yesterday they had written to Mr Salmond asking him to stand down as a result of the MPs ' decision to strike a deal with the Conservatives in exchange for their votes on the Maastricht bill .
9 We are able to stand down for a while in the evening to get some sleep , write letters , play darts or watch TV .
10 FORMER Liberal leader Sir David Steel yesterday urged Labour to stand down for the Liberal-Democrats in seats they can not win at the next Election .
11 The industrialist MP Samuel Morley and others persuaded him to stand down on the grounds that ministers should not directly enter the political arena and Morley paid all his expenses when he gave up the contest .
12 Professor Eloff ( Northern Transvaal ) is representing Dr Danie Craven , who has run South African rugby for more than 30 years and is about to stand down on grouds of age and health .
13 Roy Hattersley is to stand down with Mr Kinnock .
14 Glen Ball , the Neath coach and team manager , is to stand down at the end of the season .
15 Peter Swales : ‘ waiting for the right offer ’ to stand down at Maine Road
16 THE case must be made again for judges to stand down at 70 years of age .
17 One view saw Suharto 's motive in encouraging greater activism on the part of Golkar as an attempt to acquire a reforming image to help counteract pressure on him to stand down before the 1993 election .
18 Last autumn Mr Alton threatened to stand down after the party 's Harrogate conference endorsed a strong pro-abortion line .
19 Once I am happy , the men are allowed to stand down until the next patrol .
20 PETER RAWLINS , a former partner with accountants Arthur Andersen , has emerged as the International Stock Exchange 's next chief executive following the decision of Jeffrey Knight to stand down from the post , writes John Moore .
21 Civil Service have conceded fewer goals than any other team in the division , and had Howell not taken the decision to stand down from the top flight , he could have been elevated to the Scottish senior international training squad this summer .
22 ‘ If they said there was no danger , I would have to stand down from any further action on the matter . ’
23 Master of Ceremonies was Branch Chairman Malcolm Cork , Booth White , who has decided to stand down from the position .
24 A number of Education Board members , who can join up to five schools boards of governors , are having to stand down from some of them .
25 But it has reached the stage where Group 4 have now ‘ lost ’ Sir Norman ’ — Labour 's Frank Dobson on the announcement that the Tory chairman is to stand down from the board of Group 4 .
26 Mrs Grant has decided to stand down from HIE , where she has been on the board since its inception two years ago , because of increasing work commitments .
27 As part of the deal Mr de Ferranti agreed to stand down in favour of Sir Derek and to allow James Guerin , International Signal 's founder , to come on to the board as deputy chairman .
28 Even Thatcherite loyalists were reported to be discussing the possibility of persuading her to stand down in favour of Major .
29 Here the combined efforts of Richard Acland , Liberal MP for a neighbouring constituency , and the local Left Book Club helped to persuade the local Liberal and Labour parties to stand down in favour of Vernon Bartlett , a journalist , broadcaster and former employee of the LNU .
30 In August ( immediately prior to Suharto 's National Day speech ) a group of prominent Indonesians , including many of the original " Petition of 50 " , had issued a public demand to Suharto to stand down in 1993 and to permit greater democracy .
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