Example sentences of "increasing [art] number " in BNC.

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1 Mr Wawryk will be responsible for building on the channel 's current base of more than 110,000 hotel rooms and for increasing the number of households able to receive MTV Europe .
2 Labour hopes to transform the situation by increasing the number of A-levels to five for the brighter youngsters and providing grants for four-year training courses ( two years in a Further Education college followed by two with an employer ) for the rest .
3 Simply increasing the number of university places will not in itself increase access .
4 The UDR 's low reputation among nationalists was reflected in the 1985 Anglo-Irish agreement , which looked forward to increasing the number of Catholics in the RUC but refrained from mentioning the UDR .
5 Crucial to this development was that the war , by increasing the number of taxpayers and creating a fear of inflation among the equally increased number of small savers , offered important opportunities for a party that could pose as the defender of low taxes , low public expenditure , and monetary rectitude .
6 Researchers found that the combination of drugs reduced the levels of certain types of HIV protein , increasing the number of certain crucial immune system cells that fight Aids for longer than if just one drug was taken .
7 Expropriations were to be speeded up and the land settlements were to become new reform units , with wider criteria for membership , thus increasing the number of beneficiaries .
8 Maintaining or increasing the number of pupils is crucially important in providing the ‘ bread and butter ’ finance for the school .
9 There are four basic ways of increasing the number of pupils at the school , extend the catchment area , attract the children of new families that move into the neighbourhood , shore up the leakage of children to other schools and , lastly , pick up those that are dissatisfied with their present school .
10 By putting science , mathematics and technology in the National Curriculum and by increasing the number of science graduates , the government was securing that supply .
11 The Stanford School of Medicine ( which has some 8000 animals in stock ) and the University of California-San Francisco claim that ‘ the legislation creates a great irony by increasing the number of animals which each year will be euthanased instead of being transferred to research facilities .
12 It aims at increasing the number of trained programmers from the present 500 a year , to more than 22000 .
13 Increasing the number of squares allowed gives one considerably greater freedom .
14 The designation almost trebled its original area by adding over 1500 acres to the Corporation 's responsibilities and increasing the number of its residents from 1000 to 6700 .
15 Of course , by increasing lighting levels you may have an outbreak of green algae , although this can be controlled by adding algae-eating fish , increasing the number of plants , or by using an algicide .
16 Things would n't have been so bleak , perhaps , if the dramatic rise in population had been brought about by healthier times and a consequent increase in life expectancy ; in the event , many scholars would cite a different cause or causes for it — like the fact that the decline of the apprenticeship system meant that couples were marrying younger , and so increasing the number of child-bearing years per family .
17 For one thing , increasing the number of cells increases the amount of space that will be taken up by axons and their terminals , and this will alter the appearance of the tissue , so that regions of the brain will not always look the same in different species .
18 They argue that increasing the number of women psychologists will make the discipline more scientific , and will provide strong role models for other women .
19 One factor here is that we are increasing the number of referees we use outside Britain , and this may sometimes increase delay , although electronic communication is shrinking the globe fast .
20 It supports the Futurebus+ , increasing the number of user priorities LynxOS can process to include rate , multiprocessing and scheduling .
21 Pay-per-view channels were buying up exclusive rights to the really big bouts and this left the regular channels desperate to find some way of increasing the number of championship fights .
22 Last November he trounced Mr Wilson at the ballot box , both defeating a budget initiative sponsored by the governor and increasing the number of Democrat assemblymen .
23 Whatever the mechanism , our findings suggest that axonal electrical activity normally stimulates the proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells , thereby increasing the number of oligodendrocytes that develop locally .
24 Besides , as pecuniary punishments may increase the number of robbers , by increasing the number of poor , and may deprive an innocent family of subsistence , the most proper punishment will be that kind of slavery , which alone can be called just ; that is , which makes society , for a time , absolute master of the person , and labour of the criminal , in order to oblige him to repair , by this dependence , the unjust despotism he usurped over the property of another , and his violation of the social compact .
25 The ITA decided to split the Northern region into separate Lancashire and Yorkshire franchises , each of which would be large enough to support a network company , increasing the number of these to five .
26 The two will develop and qualify a general-purpose 0.35-micron CMOS technology by the end of 1994 for volume production the following year , which will involve shrinking the smallest feature sizes on logic chips by more than two times and increase the layers of metal interconnect , increasing the number of transistors that can be integrated on logic devices by a factor of 10 compared with products such as current-generation Am386 devices and Hewlett-Packard 's 99MHz Precision Architecture RISC — the Am386 devices are manufactured in 0.8-micron technology .
27 It supports the Futurebus+ , increasing the number of user priorities LynxOS can process to include rate , multiprocessing and scheduling .
28 Editor , — Ellis Field suggests that increasing the number of consultants to help reduce junior doctors ' hours would alter the nature of senior posts for the worse and advocates a substantial increase in junior staff .
29 In industry the purpose of this process is to make work more interesting , through the restructuring of the components of a work role — either by increasing the number of operations that each worker has to perform or by making changes from one activity to another more frequent .
30 This has involved increasing the number of doctors and dentists by 16,000 , and the number of nurses by 60,000 , improving patient care .
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