Example sentences of "to send it to " in BNC.

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1 I am going to send it to Sarah when it 's finished and the final word on its fate will be hers .
2 Before printing the essay I thought it safer to send it to Shaw .
3 They say who they want to send it to , add a few notes , send it off and are dropped straight back into the spreadsheet . ’
4 Isobel read it and sent me to Professor MacFee — an English Professor — with it , and they both helped me to send it to a publisher in London .
5 Years later they even kept a black panther for a while , until there were complaints and they were forced to send it to a wildlife park .
6 When the rondeau did n't take , Luke lyricized it and got Mike to send it to Joe .
7 At the next tourist-trap , she bought an old-fashioned post-card and paid a small fortune from her new salary to send it to Witwaterstrand .
8 ‘ What fun it would be to send it to that silly old Boldwood ! ’ laughed Liddy .
9 ‘ And who am I supposed to send it to , may I ask ? ’
10 Naturally , I used to send it to Gustave .
11 Then would it be better to send it to some central
12 Groom stood her ground and , eventually , as a way out of the impasse , telephoned the Woman 's Page editor in London , who advised her that , as she was already in France , she should do the interview and would have to send it to the Ashleys for their approval before publication .
13 I have no knowledge of its contents , but was instructed to send it to you as soon as I heard news of Mr Steen 's death .
14 Where a defendant sends a document to the plaintiff instead of to the court , the plaintiff is required to send it to the court straight away .
15 New insulated containers keep the food hot for five hours , far longer than the staff need to send it to neighbouring schools like Uplands Primary in Stroud .
16 ‘ But even though they had nothing at the ports , if you offered one of them a bar of chocolate or a pack of cigarettes they would turn it down and tell you to send it to the Front . ’
17 But is it , is it a , have you got to send it , you have n't got to send it to Asda ?
18 Got to send it to the Mirror have n't you ?
19 You got to send it to the address
20 Er no they 're going to send it to me
21 Gillian said she did n't want flowers , she did n't want to , to , they thought they were a waste of money and er she said , needed , she 'd wanted to send any , if you wanted to send any just to send it to , to nursing .
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