Example sentences of "aimed at the " in BNC.

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1 The centre was christened in July with an adult education summer school and a series of master classes aimed at the professional caterer and taught by Jermey 's Shanghai Institute of Tourism counterpart chef Xu Zhengcai , on his first visit to Britain , and Professor Dai Xin-Huan , his colleague and interpreter .
2 For example , any technique aimed at the throat , or applied to the joints , groin , or instep , will merit a penalty .
3 However , although the Cross Country route has not emerged as a high-speed line per se , it now features a number of useful long-distance trains mainly aimed at the leisure market .
4 Following the success of the early Sprinters , which were basically of suburban body design and layout , later builds of Sprinter have been up-market , aimed at the longer-distance traveller .
5 The price of books of academic criticism indicates that they are not aimed at the educated general reader ( once they cost about the same as a bottle of whisky ; now they cost three to four times as much ) .
6 But these protests should not be aimed at the Vice Chancellors .
7 Mr Burr said the rump of the shares on offer would be aimed at the 11,000 members of the club as Stock Exchange rules did not allow shares to be allotted to them directly .
8 Above all it is aimed at the country 's railways , where disorganisation and disruption and not only in politically-inflamed Soviet Transcaucasia have caused dangerous shortfalls of coal and oil stocks at power stations , and of other raw materials at factories across the country .
9 A self-proclaimed poineer and the ‘ first man to go the whole hog ’ with his business , the Wild Boar Company , he was all for setting the strictest standards of breeds , offering a product aimed at the ‘ luxury end ’ of the market .
10 TYNDALL , the fund manager , has released a high interest cheque account aimed at the upper end of the market .
11 Restart is aimed at the long-term unemployed and involves interviews with the employment department .
12 The Rover 200 will be joined in the showrooms next month by the first new Land Rover model for 20 years , the Discovery , aimed at the sector of the four-wheel drive market dominated by Japanese manufacturers .
13 The criticisms will be studied closely by the Home Office , which has overseen an increase in British legislation aimed at the seizure of financial gains from crime , particularly drugs and terrorism .
14 David Blunkett , Labour 's local government spokesman , said the announcement meant that the Government had admitted defeat over the poll tax , and that the money was solely aimed at the next election .
15 Two years ago the group won the go-ahead for a different scheme aimed at the banking and financial sectors , but the crash and oversupply in the City market forced a rethink .
16 The second main emphasis of Callinicos ' critique is aimed at the philosophy most frequently regarded as underpinning claims for the distinction of a postmodern culture , viz. poststructuralism .
17 Mr Mladenov followed his appointment as Communist Party General Secretary with a speech clearly aimed at the country 's dissident movement , which has been growing .
18 In the Yorkshire Radio area , where the company 's broadcasts are aimed at the under-35s , listening figures rose 32 per cent to 13.85 hours a week over the year .
19 He was establishing a pattern of behaviour that with minimal alterations was to become essential to his habitual well-being : long walks with a selected companion , in place of the organized games and sports of boyhood and middle-school days ; the acquisition of semi-rural skills — fishing , bird nesting , skinning pelts , skilful carpentry , well-arranged collecting of eggs and butterflies and specimens ; and , always , the adventure of trespass and unusual exploration that was , in some frenetic way , aimed at the rapid expansion of suburban villa London into older , more rural surrounding communities .
20 If your rockets are aimed at the rocket bases on the other side — a strategy known as ‘ counter-force ’ — there is no point in firing second , after those enemy rockets have been launched .
21 The alternative is massive retaliation by missiles aimed at the enemy 's cities , which will stay put .
22 There were men out there , workmen driving animals and carrying torches whose beams were aimed at the ground .
23 Another criticism is aimed at the Nine O'Clock News on Friday March 20 , which opened with three minutes of a Kinnock speech .
24 However , after it had been explained that the former was aimed at the past and present situation whereas the latter was about the future , responses were forthcoming and are included in Table 9 .
25 The second phase is more cognitive , aimed at the identification and modification of the dysfunctional silent assumptions .
26 Yeong 's invention is a wastewater treatment system , mainly aimed at the textile industry , which converts petroleum-based waste sludges into fertiliser .
27 World War II brought many new urgent needs such as anti-malarials , antiseptics and in particular participation in secret inter-allied research aimed at the synthesis of penicillin .
28 A proper balance needs to be struck between essential protection for the public , and over-zealous and intrusive controls aimed at the elimination of all conceivable risk .
29 We have just introduced a new law specifically aimed at the so-called ‘ joy-rider ’ .
30 Richard Friedman offers an explanation aimed at the same target which avoids this objection :
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