Example sentences of "visible on the " in BNC.

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1 The reader of a description needs therefore to be careful about accepting as a description anything more than is actually visible on the canvas or in the sculpture .
2 Teeth marks are just visible on the neck , behind the ears
3 When viewed at high magnification with an optical microscope or scanning electron microscope , much is revealed about the plating technique which is simply not visible on the surface of the object .
4 Similarly , damage to the ancient Chinese fang ding and the lead solder used to repair it are clearly visible on the radiograph ( fig. 8.8c ) , in which the X-rays pass easily through the restorer 's plaster and false patina .
5 Because they were so close to the city , the trucks travelled through the night and , by dawn , Cable announced over the intercom to everyone sitting in the back that Arcady 's higher domes were now visible on the horizon .
6 Elected police authorities will use the extra resources available for the war against crime to ensure that more police officers are visible on the beat , backed up by the modern technology which is essential to crime prevention and detection .
7 Other governments have viewed the spontaneous housing settlements as wretched areas , which not only house society 's drop-outs , but are also breeding grounds for crime and radical political activity The Brazilian government has tried to eradicate the squatter settlements for these reasons , which is especially the case in Rio de Janeiro , because of the added factor that it is an international tourist centre and the favelas are so visible on the steep hillsides behind the luxury hotels and beaches .
8 In fact , the land had become very open and flat at that point , enabling one to see a considerable distance in all directions , and the spire of Salisbury Cathedral had become visible on the skyline up ahead .
9 If hair is simply rolled on conventional rollers , the hairdresser can only check the hair visible on the roller and not the ends which were would around first .
10 The cars stand outside Tom Poole 's house and the ‘ dear gutter of Stowey ’ is visible on the right-hand side of the road
11 A. vole mandible with gnaw marks on the body of the mandible ( ×8 ) ; B. other half of the same mandible with the posterior part destroyed ( ×9 ) ; C. proximal femur with the head and shaft extensively gnawed ( ×19 ) ; D. femur head enlarged ( ×45 ) ; E. proximal end of humerus with the head destroyed by gnawing and individual gnaw marks visible on the inner surface of the bone ( ×30 ) F. enlargement of the individual gnaw marks , which are approximately 20 microns in breadth ( ×188 ) .
12 The spots and patches visible on the Moon were merely reflections of the Earth 's imperfect relief in the Moon 's smooth and crystalline surface .
13 The night of Wednesday 22 April 1778 was misty and cold ; snow was visible on the Solway Firth , to the north , and the Isle of Man , to the west .
14 Stairs to the south lead up to a gallery which runs around the room above the level of the archways ( some 16 feet up ) , with a door visible on the north side .
15 It was rebuilt in about 1700 BC , although to a significantly different plan and at a higher level , so that the lower wall-courses of the earlier temple and its west façade are still visible on the west side , now that the site has been excavated to the earlier courtyard level .
16 The foundations of Minoan houses are still visible on the beach and under the water at Amnisos , showing that this section of coast has subsided since Minoan times .
17 An example of the Eleventh Labour — the stealing of the Golden Apples of the Hesperides may be seen on an altar from Whitley Castle ( fig. 14.39 ) , although it has been identified as the Hydra , however , a tree with apples is clearly visible on the edge of the stone and also the head of the protective snake .
18 Clearly visible on the red cliffs , 400ft above our heads , were the highwater marks of the 1928 lake .
19 To the left , and two doors along to the right , are two structures which have survived from the time of this picture to the present — apart , that is from Inigo Jones 's Banqueting House just visible on the same side of the street in a haze of sunlight .
20 On a good rug , the design should be clearly visible on the back , and it is often easier , particularly in long-pile carpets , to see any faults in the symmetry or articulation of the motifs .
21 The same picture is visible on the London to Norwich road between Newmarket and Thetford across the Breckland .
22 They stamped impatiently , legs shifting and snorting breath visible on the crisp , thin air .
23 It is known as the fair-haired boy ; yellow paint still faintly visible on the hair was much more strongly apparent when it came out of the earth .
24 Every white hair seemed visible on the pink , painted skin , as if brushed in separately , and you could see the grainy texture of the nose .
25 A lone horse and rider were visible on the shore of Carlisle Bay , starkly silhouetted against the sun , a bright orange globe slowly descending into the calm , silver sea .
26 Soon he realised that the coveralls which were visible on the far bank were Navy dark blue and not Survey Service drab grey .
27 Dun Guaidbre has the lines of the foundation of a building visible on the top .
28 Dun Guaidbre has the lines of the foundation of a building visible on the top .
29 It moved quietly up the River Thames , hidden by the darkness , only its warning lights visible on the black swirl of the water .
30 Its monstrous supine silhouette was clearly visible on the stairs .
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