Example sentences of "dealt [prep] at " in BNC.

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1 The former Prime Minister , Mr Edward Heath , opposed changing the law on these grounds , arguing that the main figures had been dealt with at Nuremberg .
2 Any other questions should be dealt with at ministerial level .
3 I could list many further complaints arising from proximity to a military unit , but I would urge you at least to abate the nuisance of bugles forthwith , or the matter will be dealt with at a rather higher level .
4 The whole fantastic assortment is dealt with at length in Stanley Cavell 's Claim of Reason .
5 The normal definition , that tasks will be executed at Community level only if they can not be satisfactorily dealt with at national level , begs the most important questions which can ever be asked in a democratic system : who decides ? how ? what for ?
6 Ask the vendor if you can defer discussion until you 've completed the survey , so that all matters arising can be dealt with at one go .
7 All those involved in health care know how these questions are dealt with at present .
8 ‘ Every member of the commission was sorry that Leeds had to be dealt with at all .
9 The subject of ‘ obedient ’ parents is dealt with at length in chapter 6 .
10 The dissemination of information in the event of an incident is dealt with at three levels : the first is the normal system of press notices ; the second is the use of teletext and viewdata ( Ceefax and Prestel ) to get direct to members of the public at their homes or places of work ; the third is the use of Telecom Gold electronic mail to get more technical details to various official bodies , such as water authorities ( Jackson 1989 ) .
11 These are probably better dealt with at the development control stage .
12 The Commission claims that this programme respects the principle of subsidiarity ; that is , the EC will only legislate in the areas best dealt with at Community level .
13 These points will be dealt with at a later stage when we come to look at the social , political and economic implications of Gandhi 's teaching .
14 Staff and client misgivings will have to be dealt with at a time when the senior partners of both firms already have their hands full with the negotiations proper .
15 Several points of interest relating to horns are dealt with at other parts of regulation 37 as below .
16 Her husband Alex , 45 , said : ‘ Hopefully , when he is dealt with at a magistrates court later for driving with excess alcohol he will be banned for a long time . ’
17 ‘ Hopefully , when he is dealt with at a magistrates court later for driving with excess alcohol he will be banned for a long time . ’
18 I saw this as a shortcoming of Annex 13 so I wrote to ICAO asking that the matter be dealt with at the meeting of the Accident Investigation and Prevention Division in 1974 .
19 Noise passing through party wall is the cause of most complaints against neighbours , and sound is best dealt with at source , so it 's cheaper for the noisy neighbour to reduce the noise .
20 Areas of political life which are best dealt with multi-nationally must obviously be dealt with at the appropriate decision-making level .
21 It should be made clear , however , that , since the matter was obviously one which should be considered by the House as a whole , it would have to be dealt with at the Report Stage .
22 Because it has to be dealt with at a personal level , some find it difficult to deny the request .
23 The Headmaster expressed his concurrence with the suggestion as the Technical School could supply subjects of instruction not dealt with at a Grammar School , and stated that he had under consideration a scheme as to classes and fees having this object in view . "
24 The latter , incidentally , illustrates another point , that concerning " capture theory " which will be raised and dealt with at greater length later in the chapter ( see p. 7 ) .
25 if it is to be arranged and that you 're dealt with at another court Crown Court will have to arrange that .
26 This is part of a wider public policy in relation to health care , where Primary Health Care is being seen as the central component of the Health Care System and an accepted general principle that Health problems be dealt with at the lowest level of complexity , and acknowledges that a well-informed , well-motivated participating community is necessary for the achievement of health targets .
27 He can not use this as an opportunity to re-open a debate on any of the topics dealt with at that meeting .
28 The Social Security Act 1986 , radically changed the law by requiring special or emergency needs , which had previously been dealt with at the discretion of local officers , to be met out of the Social Fund under directions and guidance from the Minister who allocated funds to local offices .
29 This condition is mostly dealt with in the community , which often means that it is not dealt with at all .
30 Some of those who had commented on the draft of the new programme , Gorbachev revealed , thought the term should have been entirely removed ; others , on the contrary , thought it should have been dealt with at greater length .
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