Example sentences of "threw [pn reflx] on " in BNC.

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1 The death at the weekend of Siho Iyiguven , who threw himself on a burning mattress at Harmondsworth detention centre , near Heathrow , was followed yesterday with further suicide threats by detainees who barricaded themselves into their dormitory .
2 On one occasion when he had failed to produce an essay for the third week running , Betjeman wandered sheepishly into Lewis 's room and threw himself on his knees by the hearth .
3 He came and threw himself on our bed , shaking all over .
4 Corbett had heard such a sound many times during his war in Wales and , without thinking , threw himself on his face .
5 Bob also threw himself on top of three other children to shield them .
6 He sort of stood there , and then , after we 'd recognised him , he threw himself on us both , hugging and kissing us .
7 She floundered like a seal in the greasy mess , and when he threw himself on top of her , the battle began .
8 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
9 But as I turned to go downstairs , my landlord , thinking he was alone , threw himself on the bed , pushed open the window and called into the darkness .
10 He broke free of the lieutenant and threw himself on top of me .
11 Gerard threw himself on the floor .
12 Richard threw himself on the floor screaming !
13 Leila threw herself on Quincx , gabbling about what happened .
14 As she was about to say , ‘ I 'll tell the mistress you 've come , ’ there was a scampering of feet on the stairs , and Annabel almost threw herself on Millie , crying , ‘ Oh ! how lovely !
15 She raced upstairs to her apartment and threw herself on the bedcover , a Welsh patchwork quilt in a soft pattern of cream and pink .
16 She went into another room and threw herself on a bed .
17 She began to yell furiously , then threw herself on the ground , red-faced with rage , stamping her feet and screwing up her eyes .
18 With a wail Jenny threw herself on the bed and buried her face in her pillow .
19 Then she went through and threw herself on the comfortable cool silk bedcover , and lay in luxury , gazing up at the gently rotating white fan .
20 Shots slammed into the walls inside the courtyard where the civilians cried and threw themselves on the ground .
21 I threw myself on top of the wheelbarrow to hold it down as he passed .
22 I almost threw myself on him .
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