Example sentences of "directed at a " in BNC.

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1 Security has been tight at the court , but there has been one threat against a juror , a bomb threat against the judge and now the firebombing directed at a key witness .
2 Modern art is directed at a public largely untutored in the fine arts amidst a rapid expansion of the means of communication .
3 Mary Ann Doane 's argument concerning the ‘ women 's films ’ of the 1940s , for example , was that these products of mainstream fiction cinema were directed at a female audience and thus did construct a female gaze .
4 Journals or papers designed to be sold in a number of African countries can succeed commercially , as some have shown in recent years , but these are directed at a limited , élite readership .
5 those which are not directed at a specific military objective ;
6 those which employ a method or means of combat which can not be directed at a specific military objective ; or
7 In the British version , which was directed at a younger age group ( 10–12 years ) with a lower smoking prevalence , the objective was to minimise or delay uptake .
8 The paved corridor had already been cleared , so work was directed at a building attached to it .
9 But , as with development planning in general , there is still a tendency to assume that development communication and information directed at a general audience will equally reach women .
10 The implications of these general approaches to ontogenesis for the nature of the artefact become clearer when they are directed at a specific problem , the nature of play .
11 There may be letters from the victim 's relations , from Members of Parliament , from the general public ( whether directed at a particular case or at penal policy in general ) , or from the Howard League or the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders .
12 The report is , therefore , directed at a much smaller target than the novel .
13 An inquiry directed at a not necessarily random sample of employers in 1984 asked about the number of workers they had whose stay with the organisation was recognised by both sides as being temporary .
14 ‘ I think he 's my favourite , ’ Eloise said , one slim finger directed at a toad made of nephrite , its bulging eyes two big ruby cabochons , surrounded by a ring of diamonds .
15 Apart from this consideration , Soviet spokesmen implied that there was little difference between Gailani 's stand and the essence of the Carrington Plan : both were directed at a thorough recomposition of the Marxist DRA government .
16 This means that missile throwing , although technically perhaps falling within the ambit of this offence , would place on the prosecutor the burden of proving that the missile was directed at a human being rather than at property .
17 Strange 's outburst was directed at a cameraman who clicked as he addressed the ball , and then as he reached the top of the backswing .
18 Codd 's research was directed at a very real problem , that is the deletion , insertion and update of data on these very large files .
19 In the Zartmann experiment a narrow beam of vaporised metal atoms is directed at a rotating cylindrical drum ( see figure 3.9 ) .
20 The result is a broad comedy directed at a fast lick by Murray on a marvellously cluttered set by Simon Higlett in a Manchester Royal Exchange production .
21 The president 's appeal is directed at a summit of the commonwealth to be held in Armenia 's capital , Yerevan , on 30 April .
22 It was directed at an audience to which a man of lesser wit and native grace might have been tempted to talk down ( it has to be remembered that by this time Boulestin and his restaurant had already become almost legendary ) but this was a trap into which he was at the same time too subtle and too naturally courteous to fall .
23 During the 1980s , legislation and public subsidies were directed at an increase in owner-occupation and an attack on council housing .
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