Example sentences of "directed at the " in BNC.

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1 But it seems clear that this one bears the marks of defeat and despair , and of a reprisal directed at the liberal England which has let the violator down .
2 The principal one was that conversion and growth were particularly directed at the clerical-religious élite , where the annual retreat system formed the annual or biennial centre of the individual spiritual life .
3 resulted in the controllers making … a puritan attack directed at the drug taking of the ( underground ) movement ; and since the drug-scene is complex and confused , and we have little time in which to develop a reliable folk-lore about drugs and how to take them ( as we have long ago done about alcohol ) , they have been particularly successful in fostering anxiety among teachers , parents and establishment figures .
4 The forum would now use the information to ‘ press for changes in legislation to enable more money and resources to be directed at the problem , while at the same time doing all we can to enable local people to find local solutions ’ .
5 The aggressive patrols directed at the German lines have increased since the 12th June , no doubt to keep them on their toes .
6 The MP 's motion and three parliamentary questions directed at the Attorney-General , Sir Patrick Mayhew , allege the copy was given to the fraud squad to help its investigations into the successful £615million bid for Fraser by the Fayed brothers in 1985 .
7 Given the criticism directed at the often heavy-handed and discretionary approach of the IBA , most have supported the new ‘ light touch ’ regulatory structure .
8 His protest was directed at the midsummer 's day four-mile ‘ exclusion zone ’ at Stonehenge , imposed by Salisbury District Council and confirmed by the Home Secretary .
9 This reassurance , though commonly assumed to be directed at the British , was almost equally directed at Europe 's smaller countries .
10 The crux of the criticism directed at the Labour Party , in particular , is that while it provided food and medical help it did little to try to persuade the British government to end its policy of non-intervention towards Spain .
11 The following year the new President , a Presbyterian , had to repeat the injunction , this time directed at the gallery , insisting that there be no applause , either ‘ by our hands , and still less by our feet ’ .
12 Implicit in this analysis is the view that Labour would have little scope for raising additional revenue by further increases in income tax directed at the better-off .
13 As Clune puts it : ‘ Being required to do anything and especially being required to do something specific can not match the effectiveness of internally motivated , adaptive behaviour directed at the same underlying end . ’
14 It has been suggested the phrase ‘ pretended family relationship ’ is directed at the book Jenny Lives with Eric and Martin , which shows a girl living with her father and a male partner who have a homosexual relationship ; the presence of this book in an ILEA school was seized upon by the tabloid press .
15 It was clear from this that people 's anger was not just directed at the dangers of the technology , but at the centralized military-industrial complex which had imposed it .
16 This meant actually producing and maintaining a series of questions directed at the CEGB 's expert witnesses , most of whom had clearly spent many hours going through every conceivable pitfall .
17 His only real criticism was directed at the wastage of ammunition ; he felt that some of the gunners had simply blazed away instead of taking precise aim at a target .
18 The Christian psychologist Paul C. Vitz has said , ‘ From Freud 's example , one has reason to suspect that behind many an atheist , agnostic or sceptic of today lies shame , disappointment or rage directed at the father .
19 The scope was extended in an ‘ enhanced ’ Urban Programme , which included economic and environmental as well as social projects , and was specifically directed at the inner urban areas where the problems were most severe .
20 The horse 's ears are capable of great movement , almost 180° rotation , and are usually directed at the object of the horse 's attention .
21 Children would not be a natural product of such a union , so that objections directed at the welfare and support of a family would not apply .
22 Their only disenchantment was directed at the weather .
23 A contract which requires a supplier to close a NHS ward will occasion political comment which is likely to be directed at the Health Authority at least initially .
24 Procedures of both sorts can be found in any type or size of organisation , for filling in forms , processing goods , inputting data to a computer system etc , and those directed at the continual development and implementation of policy , or the preservation of the mode of business operation .
25 The important point is that the words are directed at the trustee .
26 The Stroh Violin was commonly employed ; this was a violin fitted with a soundbox and horn so the upper harmonics of violin tone could be directed at the recording machine .
27 After processing , the light from just the reference beam , directed at the plate , will ‘ replay ’ the hologram as if the object were still in place .
28 In RFS a parallel beam of light at a single frequency ( or energy ) from a tunable laser is directed at the atoms .
29 Balkan aggression was directed at the Germans and Austrians for much the same reason that Polish nationalism was directed against the partitioning powers , but unlike the Poles , the Serbians and Bosnians were supported by the Russians .
30 ‘ Very few local access roads have been treated along their length ; where through traffic needs to be discouraged , treatment has mainly been directed at the access points to the local residential area .
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