Example sentences of "cutting [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The camera returned to the scene of the disaster , lingered over piles of debris strewn on the railway embankment and focused on firemen cutting through the tangled remains of the trains .
2 They are high speed and fun , cutting through the water with little wake , and are raced and cruised all around the UK .
3 Men were bellowing fortissimo women screaming in order to be heard but Charity 's voice was cutting through the uproar effortlessly .
4 The orthodox visualized themselves cutting through the wire or bringing off some unprecedented bluff at the main gate .
5 Using a scalpel , cut off the surplus Transpaseal , without cutting through the base acetate .
6 Cutting through the base of the Y with a sharp blade , together with the base material to which the colony is attached , is a recognised method of successful propagation of this species .
7 Once broken , they can only be removed by cutting through the fingerboard , a painful and delicate process which I for one would not want to see .
8 And that 15-mile trip , cutting through the mountains on a twisting , turning road that has your nerve ends jangling , was a wonderful introduction to Corsica 's stunning scenery .
9 ‘ We do n't want to be a painfully clichéd screaming and shouting band , we want tension but we want it to be a duel thing , two complete opposites fighting against each other wish us cutting through the middle .
10 He saw what he had expected to find , the single slash across the throat , apparently from left to right , cutting through the trachea to the vertebrae .
11 Thanks are due to Andrew Lane ( Letters , 1 April ) for cutting through the confused signals about identifying and recording unmet need .
12 In Marx 's critique we find an ethical conscience cutting through the ontological identification of truth with an ideal intelligibility and demanding that theory be converted into a concrete praxis of concern for the other .
13 It was of a harbour on a rough and windy day , which some small sailing ships were trying to enter with , it appeared to Ellie , no little difficulty , while behind them a steamer was cutting through the seas at great speed .
14 You must think your way forward , cutting through the peripheral material , to arrive at the heart of your subject .
15 The juice was marvellous , cutting through the taste of dust and diesel fumes .
16 And some people that 's where you 'll probably get mugged anyway , if you 're safe from well from one road cutting through the flats where all the empty flats are that is the point where they 'd probably get mugged and assaulted and raped and God knows what .
17 Scott could see nothing but the curling black tongue of water cutting through the centre of the city .
18 She heard him shriek in agony as the blade pierced it , cutting through the web of skin between his thumb and index finger .
19 Of white patch cutting through the curved ash-grey
20 I noticed that the plastic Seayak bobbed up , over and down rather than cutting through the swell .
21 He certainly did not expect the shock of a gunshot , cutting through the sounds of the grass .
22 It was an unfamiliar voice , a woman 's voice , cutting through the silence with the incisiveness of a razor-blade .
23 The word was like a razor , cutting through the claustrophobic tension .
24 The largest pair of Stillsons may shift the nuts , but you may have to resort to cutting through the pipes .
25 One of these , cutting through the centre of the reserve , was built by the Bannach Timber Company , which exports mahogany to the UK .
26 It was Marc 's voice , cutting through the air like a whiplash .
27 It was like a douse of cold water , cutting through the lingering remains of passion , and Fran gasped .
28 ‘ I think some introductions may be in order , ’ his Welsh drawl intervened , cutting through the uneasy silence .
29 Ironically the easiest thing of all was actually cutting through the rope that bound them .
30 They 're cutting through the rock at a rate of up to 40ft an hour and the drill has reached 1,200ft down .
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