Example sentences of "puts [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 John puts himself at risk by climbing on wardrobes ( line 13 ) .
2 John puts himself at risk by hanging from the bannister ( line 13 ) .
3 He puts himself about a lot , tackles hard and works hard , ’ Bingham said .
4 Yet when Cornwall pronounces him the new Earl of Gloucester , and orders him to seek his father out , Edmund has yet another layer of pretence at hand : Edmund 's perversion of such words as ‘ nature ’ , ‘ loyalty ’ , and ‘ blood ’ is grimly evident to us , but not to Cornwall — who may not understand those terms , in any case — and who now puts himself into the position of an adopted father to Edmund : ‘ I will lay trust upon thee ; and thou shalt find a dearer father in my love ’ ( 24f . ) .
5 Believing that an artist has to suffer to make his statement , he puts himself through dangerous sequences like cutting off his breathing .
6 Here , significantly , it is only God who puts himself on oath by passing between the pieces .
7 So that when you go into the Drama Studio with a group of students … and when you do decent work with them , everybody puts himself on the line , everybody .
8 By drawing a rectangle round ‘ it 's a chronicle ’ Dostoevsky suggests a framed narrative for The Possessed like the story found by the frame narrator among a deceased ex-convict 's effects in The House of the Dead ; and by declaring ‘ I am a character ’ ( kharakter : a person , not a literary personazh ) he puts himself inside that frame .
9 ‘ When Benn puts himself in my face and tries to discredit and disrespect me , I take that personally .
10 He puts himself in good light by adding that he gripped me tightly round the shoulders in reassurance , that he gave me brandy , that we talked long after the starlings had ceased their chatter , that we walked down into the street and discussed in jogging stride what guilt or shame or desire could do to the human soul .
11 Mopsus , however , puts himself in the power of would-be benefactors , and his vulnerability is ruthlessly exploited .
12 Meanwhile , David Speedie puts himself in the shop window at St Andrews tonight .
13 Similar reasoning could be applied where the plaintiff puts himself in a position which is not dangerous in itself but he is aware of circumstances which make it more likely that he will suffer harm .
14 It is also clear from Walkley v Precision Forgings [ 1979 ] 1 WLR 606 and Chappell v Cooper [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 463 that where the plaintiff commences an action during the primary s11 or s12 limitation period but then puts himself in a position where he can not pursue it , for instance by letting his writ expire without service or delaying so much that his action is struck out for want of prosecution , the court will have no power to exercise s33 discretion , since it is the plaintiff 's own action or default which has prejudiced him and not the operation of s11 or 12 .
15 So the bureaucracy ‘ puts itself at the service of the political interests of the hegemonic class ’ ( Poulantzas 1973 , p. 337 ) when the class from which the members of the state apparatus are recruited and the hegemonic class are not one and the same .
16 When injured it becomes a less efficient hunting machine and puts itself in considerable danger .
17 Women compositors did not want equal pay , she wrote , for no girl of sense puts herself on the level of a comp all round but if the division of labour assigns her a task she can perform , what reason is there she should not do so ?
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