Example sentences of "stand out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I 'd got the Know me God Personally cos the words really stand out on that little green book .
2 Two practical problems stand out above others in precipitating the predictable management action .
3 Four features stand out above all else .
4 So for example if I was doing Saint Paul 's I 'd say right erm erm I 'm a building in the City of London , very old , very big and extremely famous on of the most obvious things that really stand out about me is my very large domed roof with a little cross on top of it .
5 from their first confrontation , when Titania appears wilfully aloof as Oberon tries to exert his authority , to their final reconciliation , they stand out as a true Fairy King and Queen , who are not beyond suffering the moods and emotions of ‘ We mortals here ’ .
6 That view is reinforced by the Newsons , who say : ‘ The measures that stand out as the most predictive of criminal record before 20 years are having been smacked or beaten once or more a week at 11 , and having a mother with a high commitment to formal physical punishment at that age . ’
7 Canals within the algae stand out as rods in this kind of preservation , which is common in Ordovician rocks .
8 In retrospect Bukharin 's ‘ Notes of An Economist ’ stand out as a clearsighted warning against the headlong rush to industrialisation — without due regard to proportionality — that was embarked upon with the FFYP .
9 In hindsight , the Vaclav Havels and the Adam Michniks stand out as the precious few .
10 Far more than before , however , and far more substantially because of the growth of TV and other new media , they stand out as dominant features .
11 Five Railway Cup medals with Ulster and representing Ireland stand out as the highpoints of Jim Reilly 's marvellous career .
12 For London , as for most of England , the years from 1793 to 1814 – 15 brought mixed wage experiences , but while the short-term price peaks of 1795 and 1800 – 1 stand out as years of exceptional distress , there is no clear suggestion of a marked downward trend in real wages .
13 In a limited way we can understand this , because for all of us certain dates stand out with striking significance .
14 Evidently , one tends to forget the worst episodes over time , and remembers only those items that stand out for some reason ’ .
15 The Newsons suggest these associations stand out to such an extent that they ‘ can be fairly assumed to be causative ’ .
16 There are three themes which stand out to me that run throughout the book that are all in some way or other interlinked .
17 I stand out of sight .
18 If the boy had growled over his shoulder : ‘ Stand out of my light ! ’ the illusion would have been complete .
19 Stand out at school by being fat , tall or tiny , ’ Hamilton-Phillips says , ‘ and you get persecuted .
20 Can certain individuals be directed in such a way that they stand out from the mass because they are the tellers of the story , the chief exponents in the drama or theme ?
21 As ever , the knack is to make yourself stand out from the corporate crowd .
22 for us all , however , the two dominical sacraments stand out from all the rest — namely baptism and Holy Communion .
23 The real problem is to make your particular message stand out from the crowd .
24 When you all have to wear the same uniform , there is n't a great deal you can do to make yourself stand out from the crowd , but we did our best , washing and setting each other 's hair and sharing out what precious bits of makeup we owned .
25 OF THE OTHER NEW ‘ JAPANESE ’ SAVOY titles , a few stand out from the crowd .
26 Two Village respondents stand out from the rest in their disagreement with the arguments I have summarised .
27 The girl had something — quite apart from her natural grace and outstanding good looks , quite apart from the lithe , leggy body that was simply made for modelling , there was a quality about her that made her stand out from all the others girls in the class , which drew the eye and held it , so that even someone as cynical as Arlene looked and wanted to go on looking .
28 among the dozens of grape varieties grown around the world stand out from the rest .
29 To ensure that you and your baby stand out from the crowd , send now for your free Mamas & Papas brochure by completing the coupon .
30 The lines of the images stand out from the high quality Montval paper and are accompanied by a braille text .
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