Example sentences of "sheep and the " in BNC.

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1 In 1958 , Doisneau was photographing a shepherd and his flock when a lorry careered out of control , killing a number of sheep and the shepherd 's two dogs .
2 Both the sheep and the cows , after drying off in early June , went to the high mountain meadows during the summer , allowing the more accessible grass around the farm to be conserved either as hay or silage .
3 After more than twenty years , when details have faded , my main impression of the Bonnington Conference remains the same — the conference of the sheep and the goats , very firmly divided the central aisle of the hall , Drama Organisers on one side , Training College lecturers on the other .
4 But those to be educated were still divided into the sheep and the goats , the most goatish of all doing no examinations before they left school , the best of the sheep doing examinations in none but theoretical or language-based subjects .
5 Its outcome is still a division between the sheep and the goats .
6 — ‘ Any idea what the squadron 's doing now ? ’ ) but from that moment there was a clear cut division between the sheep and the goats .
7 Jesus made all this very plain in the story about the ‘ Sheep and the Goats ’ .
8 The doublet of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin are simple in form .
9 Unlike the lost sheep and the lost coin , the son is lost through his own deliberate choice .
10 ‘ That donkey has to be explained , ’ shouted the Brigadier over the racket of the baaing sheep and the barking man .
11 In some years spring growth of the sward is vigorous and exceeds the capacity of sheep and the other grazing animals to keep it fully grazed .
12 She then pointed to the recipe — Turkish Stuffing for a whole Roast Sheep — delighted by the disparity between the thought of this sheep and the few ounces of meat a week which begun jotting down recipes for this book after she had been sent back to England in 1945 , owing to her health , from New Delhi , where she had been living with her husband .
13 The dogs were set off by it and the dogs set off the sheep and the goats and the cows .
14 That 's what sorted out the sheep and the goats .
15 I did not think that anyone would ever see the pictures except the sheep and the swooping ravens .
16 Gustave strode in , followed by the five-legged sheep and the showman in the blue blouse .
17 She thought of all the things she did n't like to do , the sewing and painting and practising , and then she tried to think of the days at home she had enjoyed most and unbidden , pictures came to her mind of the farm and the sheep and the days on the hill with her father .
18 She could n't sleep , despite having walked herself into the ground that afternoon , among the sheep and the ferns and the wet grass .
19 The show has become a mecca for top breeders of cattle and sheep and the Welsh Black classes attract entries from all parts of Wales .
20 ‘ Among the already endangered species directly threatened by global warming are the giant panda , blue sheep and the Yangtze dolphin . ’
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