Example sentences of "novel the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The novel The Distant Lands , which he began twenty years later , abandoned , then took up again and finished in 1987 — a 52-year gestation ! — is dedicated ‘ to the memory of my mother , daughter of the South ’ .
2 Although trained as a morphologist , he had a long-standing interest in the fossil record and published a well illustrated book on Extinct Animals in 1905 , which provided the information on prehistoric animals for Arthur Conan Doyle 's popular novel The Lost World of 1912 .
3 In each novel the specific configuration of the two discourses , authoritative communist on the one hand , disorientating existential on the other , is the product of two overriding influences : first , the economic , political , ideological and cultural forces that together produced each particular text ; secondly , and this is but a super-structural reflection of the first point , Nizan 's divided ambitions as a novelist , attempting at one level to exploit bourgeois culture in order to disseminate communist ideology effectively ( the communist project ) , and at another level to create a cultural product of value beyond its immediate moment of production ( the bourgeois project ) .
4 In the society portrayed in the novel the printed codex is obsolete ; books are distributed on diskette which can be altered at will , heralding the end of the definitive text .
5 It is also mentioned as the hospital in the novel The Good Soldier Svejk by Jaroslav Hašek .
6 ‘ I was reading an awfully good crime novel the other day , set in Italy .
7 This idea was explored by Fred Hoyle in his seminal science-fiction novel The Black Cloud ( 1957 ) ; Hoyle suggested that a cloud of interstellar gas could develop a consciousness .
8 Steinberg , introducing Klein 's brilliant novel The Second Scroll , draws attention to , ‘ The obsessive theme of the discovered poetry ( of New Israel ) is the miraculous , and the key image necessary to explain the remarkable vitality , the rebirth evidenced in every aspect of life , is the miracle . ’
9 Given Nizan 's view that 1914 represents the moment of closure of this particular historical period , it is not surprising that in the concluding chapters of the novel the historical environment is virtually ignored and an anguished , existential discourse comes to the forefront .
10 Just as the most penetrating analysis of the human problems behind double blind drug trials is to be found not in any treatise of medical ethics but in John Rowan Wilson 's novel The Double Blind ( 1961 ) , so the stern and rigorous standards of experimental science are uniquely illustrated in Arrowsmith .
11 A unique collaboration of poetry , music and theatre inspired by Michele Robert 's novel The Wild Girl .
12 An incipient storm was provoked by Michele Robert 's novel The Wild Girl .
13 A charming cover , such an improvement on the terrible yellow of her first novel The Wayward Tide .
14 In his novel The Human Age , D. B. Wyndham Lewis postulates the theory that after death , as we stand on that other shore , at the gate of eternity , we will each one assume the shape and form which we had at the time when we best realised our essential selves .
15 All that remains on the site of the monastic gatehouse in modern Perth is the stone house associated with Walter Scott 's novel The Fair Maid of Perth .
16 Nobody became more interested in the fate of these early directors than Scott Fitzgerald , and his unfinished novel The Last Tycoon is essentially about how directors were taken over by producers in the Hollywood system .
17 His first book , containing two stories , ‘ Odette D'Antrevernes ’ and ‘ A Study in Temperament ’ , was published in 1905 ; and in the following summer he was at work on his first novel The Artificial Princess ( published posthumously in 1934 ) : in it he devised the techniques of elliptical narrative and baroque construction , and the manner , at once satirical and lyric , concentrated and fragmentary , that were to characterize his mature work .
18 In a speech on Tehran radio on June 5 Hojatolislam Seyed Ali Khamenei , Iran 's spiritual leader , repeated the demand that the British novelist Salman Rushdie should be handed over to British Moslems " so that he can be killed for blasphemy against Islam " , as first decreed by fatwa issued in February 1989 by the late Ayatollah Khomeini after publication of Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
19 The explosion was believed to be a protest by Moslem extremists against the novel The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie , published in the United Kingdom [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
20 British Moslem leaders claimed that the ban was an example of British double standards , since there had been no ban on Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses , for which he had first been condemned to death by the Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in February 1989 [ see pp. 36450-51 ; 37266 ] .
21 In a May 27 statement , Hussein Musavi , leader of Islamic Amal ( a Hezbollah faction ) , offered the release of some British hostages in exchange for the expulsion from the UK to any country it chose of Salman Rushdie , the author of the controversial novel The Satanic Verses [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
22 Professor Hitoshi Igarashi , the Japanese translator of Indian-born British writer Salman Rushdie 's controversial novel The Satanic Verses , was found stabbed to death on July 12 on the campus of Tsukaba University in Mito , outside Tokyo .
23 Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi remained closed from the beginning of May following the issuing of a " death sentence " by Moslem fundamentalist students against the pro-Vice-Chancellor , Professor Mushirul Hasan , who had called for the lifting of the ban , in force since October 1988 on the grounds of blasphemy , on the Indian-born British novelist Salman Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses [ see p 36450 ] .
24 [ For original February 1989 fatwa against Rushdie over his novel The Satanic Verses see pp. 36450-51 . ]
25 In 1907 , now working on his own , Freeman produced the first of the Doctor Thorndyke stories , the novel The Red Thumb Mark , whose plot revolved around the ‘ forgery ’ of a set of fingerprints by an ingenious mechanical device .
26 A recent Government statement following the controversy surrounding Salman Rushdie 's novel The Satantic Verses stated that blasphemy prosecutions would be ‘ damaging , divisive and inappropriate . ’
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