Example sentences of "invited [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While weighing up the merits of the posts of legal advisor to the Girls Public Day School Trust versus running a legal advice centre in a South London Mental Hospital , she was invited to sit as a Judge on the South-East Circuit and then , of course , her mind was made up .
2 The doctor , a family friend , had called to see his father , after which Leonard was invited to sit on the good man 's lap .
3 Later that evening both men were invited to sit on a Questions Panel .
4 They are instantly welcomed inside ( Fig. 39 ) , and Nell 's grandfather is invited to sit in the elbow chair while the child looks around her :
5 The impression given by the marketing campaign is that you are being invited to invest in a single entity — the British water industry — and that there will be attractive perks for those who do .
6 In fact you are being invited to invest in 10 separate companies each with different characteristics and ambitions .
7 His first collaboration began when he was invited to invest in an upmarket Roux Brothers establishment .
8 Hitachi was one of six Japanese companies invited to invest in Kaleida ( CI No 1,931 ) , and of the other five , only Toshiba Corp has so far stuck its head above the parapet with an agreement with Apple to license Kaleida technology and use it in jointly developed products ; others invited to join were Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , Sharp Corp , Sony Corp and NEC Corp .
9 Companies were invited to invest in the market it is considering a ‘ modest ’ contribution to help bail out those affected .
10 Invited to preach to the Commons in March 1651 , at the suggestion of Major-General Thomas Harrison [ q.v. ] , he used the occasion to champion lay preaching by soldiers , when inspired by the spirit , and to damn the professional clergy and human learning .
11 A worse incident happened to me when invited to preach at a special service in a small church which was well filled for the occasion .
12 Carey was invited to preach at the next Northamptonshire Baptist Association meeting on 30 May 1792 .
13 To the King indeed , Ken was one of the least unacceptable of the Anglican bishops , and he continued to be invited to preach at court — not , indeed , in the presence of the Roman Catholic king , but in that of his daughter Princess Anne .
14 The return of William Purser to England released me from my obligation not to preach in English , and shortly after his departure I was invited to preach in Rangoon cathedral , then very much a chaplaincy parish church , and only rarely having great services in Burmese .
15 When the cigarette was finished the driver would be invited to wait in the shade of Bonefish 's casuarinas , but not before .
16 Interviews Most candidates are not interviewed , but a candidate may be invited to attend for interview if the Admissions Committee feels it would be particularly helpful .
17 Only these 5 athletes were invited to attend for a medical examinaton .
18 They are invited to attend on Saturday to meet ‘ Stepney ’ which will be hauling their own special train .
19 Hilary gave a brief report of the VIIth International and Commonwealth Conference on Sport , Physical Education , Recreation and Dance which she had been invited to attend on behalf of the M&D Division of the C.C.P.R. It was held at the University of Queensland , in Brisbane , Australia from 23–28th September , immediately preceding the Commonwealth Games .
20 Commanders were selected at top level of course , after which they were invited to attend at HQ where they would sift through the applications from prospective crew members , discuss them with the administrating Inspector and eventually come to a mutual agreement on the crewing of each cutter for the following year .
21 I was invited to attend as a ‘ participating observer ’ and the time I spent in the Social Studies group , I remember as one of the most exciting and productive in my educational experience , marred only by the fact that the conference had to end a little early because the money ran out .
22 Nagorny Karabakh leaders boycotted the meeting of the Rome commission ( which included representatives from Armenia , Azerbaijan , Byelarus , Czechoslovakia , France , Germany , Italy , Russia , Sweden , Turkey and the USA ) , having been invited to attend as observers .
23 But a definitive package is unlikely before their meeting in April , which member states of the European Free Trade Association have been invited to attend as prospective participants in the European Economic Area .
24 So on 29 October 1955 Fisher recommended to the prime minister that Bell be asked to move to York because he was the biggest person in sight and — despite his age — ‘ he might tide over for five or six years ’ ; and that Ramsey be invited to go to London , because that huge see would ‘ respond to his commanding ability ’ .
25 He met Georges Bettembourg there in 1979 , they became friends and Sustad was invited to go to Shivling in 1981 with Bettembourg and a strong team that included Doug Scott who was to become a great friend and partner , and Don Whillans , who , despite being in his 50s , by then still contributed to the expedition .
26 I 've been invited to go to Bhutan so I might go there .
27 I 've only been to a couple of lodge meetings it I was invited to go to I always felt slightly ambiguous about that really you know .
28 In 1981 Vitalis Okoth from St Paul 's Parish , Mbaga , was invited to go on the course .
29 I have been invited to go through the Town Chest belonging to Bishop 's Castle Town Council , to investigate material in the chest pertaining to the Bishop 's Castle Railway .
30 Paul Young shared his taxi with Nigel Dempsey and Christopher MacPherson but when they arrived in Hemlington , Middlesbrough , Mr Young was invited to go with them for a drink .
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