Example sentences of "fewer than [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fewer than a fifth of the schools kept records of pupils ' achievements in science .
2 And political apathy reigns : despite the significance of the election , fewer than a quarter of Mrs Molina 's constituents bothered to vote in the run-off .
3 She had had fewer than a dozen poems published in magazines — usually small , regional ones — during the twenty-five years she had been writing .
4 When the Canadian National was formed it inherited no fewer than a thousand stations west of Lake Superior .
5 This deep interest was amply reflected in the fact that no fewer than a dozen Argentine railway companies were British-owned .
6 Fewer than a dozen people know the contents of the speech — some at the BBC and some at Buckingham Palace . ’
7 I had fewer than a hundred rounds for the gun which I kept solely as a deterrent for those remote places where cruising yachtsmen are seen as plump victims , ripe for pillaging , and the Webley offered me good protection for , though the gun was over seventy years old , it was massively built and frighteningly powerful .
8 In 1635 , the churchwardens of Beckington in Somerset were excommunicated and imprisoned for defying the authorities ; yet the following year William Piers , Bishop of Bath and Wells , admitted that fewer than a third of the parishes in his diocese had converted their communion tables into altars .
9 While Foula has a population of about forty people nowadays , Mykines has fewer than a score of permanent residents , all living in a tight group of picturesque turf-roofed cottages situated on the cliff-top above the landing-place .
10 Fewer than a quarter described themselves as ‘ just listening ’ in a 1971 survey .
11 On the northern fringe of the wood-pasture belt fewer than a quarter of the people of Blofield , East Flegg and Walsham hundreds in Norfolk had less than £2 , almost as many having £5 — £9 .
12 These figures suggest that slightly fewer than a quarter of our most influential church musicians are professionals , in the sense that they derive the major part of their income from music .
13 By 1987 more than half of Scottish consultant psychiatrists were spending some time each week in primary care settings compared with fewer than a fifth in England and Wales .
14 Even in the first year , when fewer than a third of Leeds primary schools were involved in PNP , this requirement accounted for 760 teacher-days ; but from year to year , as more and more schools became involved and as roles proliferated , the investment of time increased until in the fourth year it stood at 2,035 teacher-days .
15 He was one of fewer than a dozen leaders conversant with the Society 's policy of seeking French military help , and in 1796 he was appointed to the movement 's first national executive committee .
16 About 70 per cent of new entrants were over twenty-one , half of whom lacked two A levels , and fewer than a quarter were school-leavers with these qualifications or their equivalent .
17 However , it quickly emerged that this declaration was backed by fewer than a quarter of the Platform delegates at the congress .
18 According to Reuters news agency , the draft apparently provided for the election of fewer than a quarter of the 460 Sejm deputies by a first-past-the-post majority vote ; most of the seats would be distributed to parties proportional to the votes won by their national lists of candidates .
19 The sense of satisfaction was bigger than a prop 's ribcage ; the problems had been fewer than a hooker 's braincells .
20 ‘ We found fewer than a fifth of bank and building society branches publicised the code with posters or leaflets , and staff knew little or nothing about it .
21 Fewer than a quarter of 500 men questioned in the survey knew how to do up a bow tie and under half knew the name of the knot in their tie on the day they were interviewed .
22 Vinod Kambli ( aged 18 ) and Sachin Tendulkar ( 17 ) appear destined for full Test careers , although yesterday 's partnership of nought was 644 runs fewer than the one they shared in a schools game two years ago .
23 The Hungarian Reformed Church in Transylvania has about 800,000 members , slightly fewer than the Catholic community .
24 The most dynamic Green party in Europe is undoubtedly Die Grünen , which took 8.3 per cent of the vote in the 1987 West German federal elections and won 42 seats , only four fewer than the ruling Christian Democrats ' coalition partners , the Free Democrats .
25 Nominations must be in writing , signed by not fewer than the required number of signatories , and incorporate ( or be accompanied by ) a signed declaration by the nominee that he or she is willing to serve .
26 Her Cloaths are fewer than the Time before .
27 The mood will change when the group 's new record sells fewer than the last one .
28 In the dressage she lost only 25 points , 13 fewer than the runner-up .
29 The number of boundaries of competence that exist for any given social entity may vary : the members of an isolated New Guinea society , all of whom perform virtually identical tasks according to age and sex , will have fewer than the members of a more complex society with a greater division of labour .
30 Only 80 of the Royal Navy 's 124 ships of 50 guns or more had proved fit for service , fewer than the 40 Spanish and 50 French ships of the line , and both in seaworthiness and weight of gunfire the best French and Spanish ships out-classed the finest English vessels .
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